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Scenic Quiz Answer The Legend Of Neverlands
100 to the 99th is bigger than 99 to the 100th (X)
100 to the 99th is bigger than 99 to the 100th. (X)
100 to the 99th is smaller than 99 to the 100th (O)
1 Kwh de electricidad alimenta una bombilla de 50 vatios durante 20 horas (O)
1 kwh of electricity powers a 50 watt bulb light for 20 hours (O)
1 kWh of electricity powers a 50-watt bulb light for 25 hours (X)
1 kwh of electricity powers a 50 watt bulb light for 25 hours (X)
30% of oxygen comes from the sea and the rivers (X)
45% of the Oxygen we are breathing is from the sea and rivers (X)
50% of oxygen on earth comes from ocean or sea (O)
50% of oxygen on earth comes from sea or river (X)
50% of the Oxygen we are breathing iAA Flower With A Shorter Flowering Phase Than Epiphyllum Cactus Is Sesame Flower (X)
50% of the Oxygen we are breathing is from the sea and rivers (X)
70% del oxigeno es del mar y los rios (O)
70% of oxygen breathing on earth comes from sea or river (O)
70% of the oxygen we are breathing is from sea and river (O)
80% food storage capacity in the refrigerator, can't be too energy efficient (O)
8 categories of orchestral music on the music box point to 8 types of music (X)
Abdominal Obesity is one of the diagnostic indicators of the Metabolic Syndrome (O)
A Beethoven se lo llama el poeta del piano (X)
A Camel's Stomach Contains 3 Parts (O)
A Camel's Stomach is divided by 3 Parts (O)
According to customs, wearing a ring in the middle finger means being in love (O)
According to customs, wearing a ring in the middle finger means currently looking for a partner (X)
According to customs, wearing a ring on the little finger stands for being single (O)
According to customs, wearing ring in the middle finger indicates that you are in love, in the pinky means you’re single (O)
According to London university, those who laugh a lot can live 25% / 20% / 30% longer than those who dont (X)
According to London University, those who laugh a lot in daily life can live 20% longer than those who don't (X)
According to London University, those who laugh a lot in daily life can live 25% longer than those who don't (X)
According to London University, those who laugh a lot in daily life can live 30% longer than those who don't (X)
According to London University, those who laugh a lot in daily life can live 35% longer than those who don't (O)
A Chopin se lo llama el Poeta del Piano (O)
Acid Rain is a global environment problem (O)
Acid rain, Ozone hole, Global warming is a global environmental problem (O)
A code of Laws first appeared in Feudalism society (X)
A code of Laws first appear in Slavery Society (O)
A combinação elemental mais forte é a de planta? (O)
A copier will produce ozone during the copy process (O)
Activate earth 2 echo to reduce skill CD (X)
Activate fire echo to increade crit rate and crit dmg (O)
Activate fire echo to increade def and crit imunity rate (X)
Activate fire echo to increase crit rate and crit damage. (O)
Activate fire Lv.2 echo to improve Healing Effects (X)
Activate Fire Lv.2 Echo to reduce Skill CD (X)
Activate water echo to increase crit rate and crit damage. (X)
Activate Water echo to increase DEF and Crit immunity rate (X)
Activate water echo to increase def and crit immunity. (X)
Activate Water Lv 2 echo to reduce skill CD (X)
Activate wind echo to increase Crit Rate and Crit Damage (X)
Activate wind echo to increase DEF and crit immunity rate (X)
Activate wind lv.2 to activate healing effect (X)
Ada 31 hari dalam bulan Agustus yang berhubungan dengan perputaran bumi (X)
Adding nickel plus zinc, copper, platinum, or manganese to gold produces white gold (O)
AD in macroeconomics stands for aggregate demand (O)
AD in macroeconomics stands for aggregate supply (X)
A dog has no belly button (X)
A dog has no bellybutton (X)
A dolphin has no bellybutton (X)
Adventure on the Icefield was listed in the Guinness World Record as the highest-grossing animated film (X)
Adventure Society Has Set Up Plenty Of Green Camps At Oak Wood (X)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain's masterpiece (O)
Afghan Hound disebut juga sebagai Bracco Italiano (X)
Afghan Hound is also known as Afghan Hound, Kabul Hound (O)
A fine book, printed with golden words which are Copper-Manganese Alloy (X)
A fine book, printed with golden words which are Copper Zinc alloy (O)
A Fine Book, Printed With Golden Words Which Are Copper Zinc Manganese Alloy (O)
A fine book, printed with golden words which are Copper Zinc Manganese Alloy (X)
A fine book, printed with golden words which are Zinc-Manganese Alloy (X)
A flower with a shorter flowering phase than epiphyllum cactus is dandelion (X)
A Flower With A Shorter Flowering Phase Than Epiphyllum Cactus Is Sesame Flower (X)
A Flower With A Shorter Flowering Phase Than Epiphyllum Cactus Is Wheat Flower (O)
After activating Elemental Echo, Can add Flower Fairy assist slots (X)
After activating Elemental Echo, Can deal great damage to monsters with elemental vulnerabilities (O)
After activating Elemental Echo, can enhance Flower Fairy quality (X)
After joining a Guild you can get guild contribution which can be exchanged for Flower fairy fragments in shop (O)
After joining a Guild you can get Guild Contribution which can be exchanged for Summon Seed in Shop. (O)
After joining a guild you get Guild contribution, which can be exchanged for flower fairy fragments in shop (O)
After joining a guild you get Guild contribution, which can be exchanged for Hot Spring Costume in shop (O)
A full marathon has a length of around 30 km (X)
A full marathon has the length of around 40 km (O)
A full marathon has the length of around 40 km (X)
A full marathon has the length of around 42 km (O)
Agua El elemento no esta incluido en los cuatro elementos (X)
Air mata buaya berkhasiat untuk menyamarkan diri (X)
Alasan utama yang mendorong pembangunan ekonomi Singapura adalah kondisi alam yang baik (X)
Alasan utama yang mendorong pembangunan ekonomi Singapura adalah SDT yang baik (X)
Alchemy is forbidden in Sophilia, and the use of it requires the permission from the adventure society (X)
Alchemy Is Forbidden Is Sophilia, And Use Of It Requires The Permission Of The Adventure Society (X)
Aligator’s Tears Is To Disguise Yourself (X)
Al igual que las gallinas, Tortuga tambien pueden poner huevos sin el proceso de fertilizacion (O)
Alligators Shed Tears To Secrete Heat (X)
Alligators Shed Tears To Secrete Salt Content (O)
Alligators Shed Tears To secrete salt (O)
Alligators shed tears to secrete toxin (X)
Alligator’s tear is to disguise itself (X)
Alligator’s tear is to disguise yourself (X)
Alligator's tear is to wash salt out of the eyes (O)
Alligator Tears is to clean the eyes, wash the salt in their eyes (O)
Al luchar en Cabala, Aumenta el daño final 1.5 veces al causar daño critico (O)
Al luchar en Cabala, Encarcelar puede hacer que el objetivo no pueda moverse (O)
Al luchar en cábala, débil puede hacer que el objetivo no pueda moverse (X)
Al mezclar oro y cobre de acuerdo con una proporcion especifica, el oro puede cambiar a Oro Rojo (O)
A Low carbohydrate diet can help reduce diabete (O)
A low salt diet may help to prevent anemia (X)
A low-salt diet may help to prevent Anemia (X)
A low salt diet may help to prevent diabetes (X)
A low-salt diet may help to prevent Diabetes (X)
A Low salt diet may help to prevent Hypertension (O)
A low-salt diet may help to prevent Hypertension (O)
alth organization (O)
Always Talks In Proud And Funny Tone Is Casey (X)
Always Talks In Proud And Funny Tone Is Colin (X)
Always Talks In Proud And Funny Tone Is Ethan (X)
Always Talks In Proud And Funny Tone Is Miru (O)
Amane Tomone Are Twin Fairy (O)
Americas Opportunity found potential traces of life on Mars based on Temperature suitable for living (O)
America’s Opportunity found potential traces of life on Mars based on Temperature suitable for living (O)
America's Opportunity found potential traces of life on Mars based on the atmosphere that is suitable for breathing (X)
America's opportunity found potential traces of life on Mars based on the water marks (X)
America's Opportunity found potential traces of life on Mars based on watermarks (X)
Among the “World’s Top 3 Tenors”, Carreras is Spaniard (O)
Among the “World’s Top 3 Tenors” Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo is Spaniard (O)
Among the "World’s Top 3 Tenors", Pavarotti is Spanish (X)
Among "World’s Top 3 Tenors", Domingo is Spaniard (O)
Among "World’s Top 3 Tenors", Domingo is Spanish (O)
an Activate The Attribute Effect. (O)
ancias, nada de crédito" es una frase propia de Freya (X)
And Forms Contract That Links Them Together (X)
Anggota palang merah internasional dikelola oleh Switzerland (O)
Angka kematian merupakan salah satu faktor penentu reproduksi populasi (O)
Animal With Square Shaped Poop Is Kangaroo (O)
Animal With Square Shaped Poop Is Kangaroo (X)
Another name of the Manjusaka is Dragon Claw Flower (O)
Another name of the Manjusaka is Lycoris (O)
Another name of the manjusaka is Nostalgia Flower (X)
Another name of the manjusaka is short-tube Lycoris (O)
an terminal of Eurasian Land Bridge is Amsterdam (X)
Antes de que surgiera el Reino de Sefira, Ancestros establecio el magnifico Imperio de Cabala en una tierra mucho mas vasta (O)
Antes de que surgiera el Reino de Sefira, Aventurero establecio el magnifico Imperio de Cabala en una tierra mucho mas vasta (X)
Anthurium is referred to as Andre Andre by the local Bedouins from Sakala Desert (O)
Anthurium is referred to as Andre by the local Bedouins from Sakala Desert (O)
Anthurium Is Referred To As Andre (O)
Ao lutar na cabala, aprisionar pode tornar o alvo incapaz de se mover (O)
Ao lutar na cabala (O)
Ao lutar na cabala (X)
Apel mengandung mikro elemen penguat memori yaitu iodine (X)
Apel mengandung mikro elemen penguat memori yaitu zinc (O)
Apple is pollinated by flies instead of bees (X)
Apples contain a memory strengthening microelement called Calcium (X)
Apples contain a memory strengthening microelement which is lodine/Iodine (X)
Apples contain a memory strengthening micro-element which is Zinc (O)
Apples contain a memory strengthening microelement which is Zinc (O)
Aprende y equipa tres habilidades de (Cazavientos) puede activar la habilidad especifica de Arquero: Ojo de Halcon (X)
Aprende y equipa tres habilidades de (Juez) puede activar la habilidad especifica de Arquero: Ojo de Halcon (X)
A Pulpo y medusa se lo llama el Camaleon del Mar (X)
arabic numerals arabian (X)
Arabic numerals were invented by Arabian (X)
arabic numerals were invented by egyptian (X)
Arabic numerals were invented by Indian (O)
Arabic numerals were invented by Roman (X)
Arena medal can be obtained from arena gameplayes, excluding crystal battlefield. (X)
Arena medal can be obtained from arena gameplayes, excluding Guild War. (O)
Arena medal can be obtained from arena gameplayes, excluding uncharted battlefield. (X)
Arena Medal can be obtained from Arena gameplay, excluding Crystal Battlefield (X)
Arena Medal can be obtained from Arena gameplay, excluding Starleaf Garden (O)
Arena Medal can be obtained from Arena gameplay, excluding Uncharted Battlefield (X)
aries is the fire sign of zodiacs (O)
aristotle is one of the big three of greek mythology (O)
Aristotle is one of the big three of greek philosophy (O)
A Rosa Castaña tambien se la llama Flor de Luna Llena (X)
A round in Professional Boxing is 1 minute (X)
A round in professional boxing is 3 minutes (O)
A round in professional boxing is 6 minutes (X)
Ascend a flower fairy to increase it attributes. The max star level of a Flower Fairy is 20 Star. (X)
Ascend a flower fairy to increase its attributes. the max levle is 18 stars (O)
A Schumann se lo llama niño prodigio de la musica (X)
AS in macroeconomics refers to Aggregate Cost (X)
AS in macroeconomics refers to Aggregate Demand (X)
AS in Macro economics refers to Aggregate Supply (O)
AS in Macro economics refers to Aggregate Supply (Total Supply) (O)
AS in macroeconomics stands for aggregate demand (X)
AS in macroeconomics stands for aggregate supply (O)
AS in the macro economics refers to total supply (O)
As long as we learn can activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk eye (X)
A song to remember reflects the life of the Poliah Schuutman (X)
A Song to Remember reflects the life of the Polish composer Chopin (O)
A Song to Remember reflects the life of the Polish musician Bach (X)
A song to remember reflects the life of the Polish musician Frédéric Chopin (O)
A standard football, its perimeter is around 50-60cm (O)
A tale of Two Cities is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
ATK 1.5 when triggered concerns the crit attribute (X)
ATQ -35% al activar la resistencia se relaciona al atributo de Crit (X)
ATQ x1.5 al ac se relaciona al Atributo de Crit (X)
August has 31 days related to Roman Emperors (O)
Aurora adalah pemandangan istimewa yang bisa kalian lihat di High Latitude (O)
Aurora Boreal es la escena especial que puedes ver en Latitud alta (O)
aurora high longitude (X)
Aurora is the special location you can see in High Latitude (O)
Aurora is the special location you can see in high Longitude (X)
Aurora is the special location you can see in High longitude (xx) (X)
Aurora is the special scenery/location you can see in High Latitude (O)
Aurora Is The Special Scenery/location You Can See In High Latitude (X)
Aurora Is The Special Scenery/location You Can See In High longitude (X)
Avispon tiene un aguijon punzante que puede causar la muerte si pica a la gente (X)
A Whale belongs to the mammals (O)
Balet diperkenalkan dari Perancis (O)
Ballet is introduced from France (O)
Ballet is introduced from Germany (X)
Balloon Flower is a Wind Flower Fairy (O)
Bangunan batu terbesar di dunia adalah colosseum ancient Rome (X)
Barbie Three Sister consists of Barbie doll Chelsea introduced in 1995 (O)
Barbie Three Sister consists of Barbie doll Daisy introduced in 1992 (O)
Barbie Three Sister consists of Barbie doll Skipper introduced in 1964 (O)
Barbie Three Sister consists of Barbie doll Stacy introduced in 1990 (X)
Barbie Three Sister consists of Barbie doll Stacy introduced in 1992 (X)
Barbie Three Sisters consists of The Chubby available in 1964, Stacy presented in 1992, Little Kailyn appeared in 1995 (O)
Barbie Three Sisters include Shelly introduced in 1995 (O)
Barbie Three Sisters include Skipper available in 1964 (O)
Barbie Three Sisters include Stacey introduced in 1990 (X)
Barge Haulers on the Volga has once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Gerasimov (X)
Barge Haulers on the Volga has once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Repin (O)
“Barge Haulers on the Volga” has once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Repin (O)"Cité De La Musique" Is Located In Austria (O)
Barge Haulers on the Volga has once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Vrubel (X)
"Barge Haulers on the Volga" once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Gerasimov (X)
"Barge Haulers on the Volga" once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Vrubel (X)
Barge Haulers on the Volga" once shocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Vrubel (X)
Basal metabolic rate gradually increases with age (X)
Basal metabolic rate increases with age (X)
Basal metabolic rate is abbreviated as BBR (O)
Basal metabolic rate stands for the minimum calories to maintain the operation of man's essential organs (O)
Basal metabolic rate usually decrease by 2-5% every ten years after the age of 25 (O)
Basal metabolic rate will decrease 2-5% ever .. (O)
Basal Metabolic stands for the minimum calories to maintain... (O)
Basal Metabollic Rate Is BMR (O)
Basalt is polyporous magmatite (O)
Basam metabolic rate is abbreviated as BBR (O)
Baterai yang paling umum diproduksi dan banyak digunakan di dunia adalah baterai Zinc-carbon (O)
Bee has a stinger with no barb, so it can keep stinging people several times (X)
bee has barbed stinger which mgiht cause its death if it stings people (O)
Bee has barbed stinger which might cause its death if it stings people (O)
Beethoven is called the Poet Of The Piano (X)
Beethoven lost his hearing at the age of 37 (X)
Beethoven lost his hearing at the age of 38 (X)
Beethoven Poet Of The Piano (X)
Beethoven suffered hearing
Beethoven suffered hearing loss at age of 38. (O)
Beethoven suffered hearing loss at the age of 37 (X)
Beethoven suffered hearing loss when he was 28 (O) (Google) (X)!
Beethoven suffered hearing loss when he was 38 (X) (O)!
Beethoven suffered hearing loss when he was 39 (X)
Before the Sophila Kingdom emerged, Adventurer established the magnificent Cabala Empire on the much more vast land (X)
Before the Sophila Kingdom emerged, Ancestors established the magnificent Cabala Empire on the much more vast land (O)
Before the Sophila Kingdom emerged, Guardians established the magnificent Cabala Empire on the much more vast land (X)
Before the Sophila Kingdom emerged, Yayoi established the magnificent Cabala Empire on the much more vast land (X)
Before the Sophilia Kingdom emerged, Guardian established the magnificent Cabala Empire on the much more vast land (X)
Beijing in 2008 was the 25th Olympic (X)
Búho puede copiar lo que dice la gente (X)
Biggest Enemy Of Adventure Society Is Yayoi (O)
bird that can tell the blue color is mynag (X)
bird that can tell the blue color is parrot (X)
birth rate... (O)
Bleak House is a masterwork of dickens (O)
Blue attribute will not appear in equipment extraction (X)
Blue equipment will not appear in equipment extraction. (X)
Blue is one of the three primary colors in RGB Color System (O)
Blue is one of the three primary colors (O)
Bok Choy, Cabbage originates from China (O)
Bok Choy is originally from China (O)
Bola de sebo es la obra maestra del escritor estadounidense Mark Twain (X)
Bones can balance when you are doing sports (X)
Bones can lever when you are doing sports (O)
Bones can pivot when you are doing sports (X)
borders china east Russia (X)
Boule de Suif adalah mahakarya penulis Amerika, Mark Twain (X)
Boule de Suif is the masterwork of American writer, Mark Twain (X)
Brussel is called by people as Capital of Asia (X)
Brussel is called by people as europe capital (O)
Brussel is called by people as Europe Capital (X)
Brussel Is Called ... By The People Of Africa (X)
Brussel Is Called By The People Of Africa (X)
brussels is ofthen reffered to as the capital of asia (X)
Bunga yang periodenya lebih pendek dari ipomoea adalah bunga wijen (X)
Bunyi tembakan pertama kebebasan benua Amerika berada di Lexington (O)
By mixing gold and copper according to a specific proportion, gold can change into Red gold (O)
By mixing gold and copper according to a specific proportion, gold can change to Brown Gold (X)
By mixing gold and copper according to a specific proportion, gold can change to Green Gold (X)
Cabala world, the item that can shape the face of character is Face changing ticket (X)
Cabang terbesar Sungai Kuning adalah Sungai Fen (X)
Cabbage is originally from China (O)
cactus is dandelion (X)
Calcio es un nutriente de las verduras (X)
calcium is a intelligent element (O)
Calcium is also called the Intelligent Element (2024) (X)
Calcium is also called the Intelligent Element (O)
Calcium is also called the Intelligent Element (X)
Calcium is one of the nutrients contained in green vegetables (X)
Calcium is on of the nutrients contained in green vegetables (X)
Camel has 3 stomach (O)
Camel's Stomach is divided by 3 Parts (O)
Capitals named after human include Colombo (O)
capitals named after human include Moscow (X)
capitals named after human include paris (O)
capitals named after human include washington (O)
Capitals named after human include wasington (O)
Cara yang paling ampuh untuk memadamkan api dari lampu alkohol adalah dengan memadamkannya dengan air (X)
Casey es el guardián del récord con una racha ganadora de 30 partidas en Arena Roja (X)
Casey Is The Record Keeper With 30match Winning Streak In The Red Gate Arena (X)
Casey's Sister Is Amelia (O)
Caseys Sister Is Amelia (O)
Casey's sister is Annie (X)
Caseys sister is Annie (X)
Casey's Sister Is Maggie (X)
Caseys Sister Is Maggie (X)
Casey's Sister Is Rita (X)
Caseys Sister Is Rita (X)
Caste System In Ancient 3 Classes (X)
Catharanthus Roseus is the pattern on the emblem of the French Royals. (X)
Cathaya enjoys the title of "Panda Of Plants" (O)
Cathaya enjoys the title “Panda of Plants” (O)
Cats are protected well in Ancient Egypt (O)
Cctopus belongs to the mammals. (X)
Celery Is Originally From China (X)
Cell nucleus animal cell (O)
Cell nucleus is a part of the animal cell (O)
Cell wall is a part of an animal cell (X)
cell wall is part of the animal cell (X)
Centaurea é referido como André pelos (X)
Character EXP cant be obtained by participating in the bathing beach gameplay (X)
Character EXP cant be obtained by participating in the dance frenzy gameplay (X)
Character exp can't be obtained by participating in the Dance Frenzy gameplay (X)
Character EXP cant be obtained by participating in the Expel Incident gameplay (X)
Character EXP cant be obtained by participating in the flower fairy exp pool (O)
Character overall rating will not affect seal promotion (X)
Charlene 30-match Winning Streak Red Gate Arena (O)
Charlene es el guardián del récord con una racha ganadora de 30 partidas en Arena Roja (O)
Charlene es la madre de Liz (X)
Charlene Is Liz's Mother (X)
Charlene Is The Record Breaker Of 30 Winning Streak In Arena (O)
Charlene is the record keeper with 30-match winning streak in the Red Gate Arena (O)
Charlene is the record keeper with a 30-win streak in the Red Gate Arena (O)
Charlene trabaja en la Sociedad de Aventura como Capitan (X)
Charlene trabaja en la Sociedad de Aventura como Oficial de Inteligencia (X)
Charlene trabaja en la Sociedad de Aventura como Vanguardia (O)
Charlene works in the Adventure Society as a Intelligence Officer (X)
Charlene works in the Adventure Society as a Logistics Staff (X)
Charlene works in the Adventure Society as a Vanguard (O)
Charlene Works In The Adventure Society As Captain (X)
Charlene Works In The Adventure Society As Vanguard (O)
Chehkov is the only writer from Russia who has reached the peak of the world of literature (O)
Chekhov is the only writer from Russia who has reached the peak of the world of literature (O)
Chesnut Memory Kaagmaw (X)
chesnut rose is also called as hedgehags (X)
Chestnut hair is white (X)
Chestnut Rose is also called as Farewell to Spring (X)
Chestnut Rose is also called as Full Moon Flower (X)
Chestnut Rose is also called as Rosa Roxburghii (O)
Chestnut Rose is also called Farewell to Spring (X)
Chestnut Rose is also called Full Moon Flower (X)
Chestnut Rose is also called Hedgehags (X)
Chestnut Rose's memory Kaagmaw (X)
Chestnut Rose's memory was sealed in Gaia Snow Mountain (O)
Chestnut Rose's memory was sealed in Kagmaw Grassland (X)
Chestnut Rose's memory was sealed in Oak Town (X)
Chestnut Roses memory was sealed in Oak Town (X)
Chestnut rose was sealed in gaia snow mountains (X)
chestnut rose was sealed in the gaia snow mountains (O)
Chilblains/Frostbite is caused by exposed to cold, the injury of skin’s Capillary (O)
Chilblains is caused by exposed to cold, the injury of skin’s Capillary (O)
chilled meat might explode if heated in the microwave (X)
China adalah yang pertama membentuk pasukan rudal strategis dan taktis di Asia (O)
China Is The First Country To Form The Strategic And Tactical Missile Forces In Asia (O)
China is the first to form the strategic and tactical missile forces in Asia (O)
China’s offshore continental shelf is one of main oil production zones in the world (O)
Chinas Offshore Continental Shelf Is One Of The Main Oil Production Zones In The World (O)
China’s Offshore Continental Shelf Is One Of The Main Oil Production Zones In The World (O)
chinese cabbage is originally from china. -NX (O)
Chocolate was invented by the person in Mexico (O)
chocolate was invented by the person of brazil (X)
Chocolate was invented by the person of Mexico (O)
Chocolate was invented by the person of Portugal (X)
Chocolate was invented by the person of Spain (X)
Chopin is called as the Poet of the Piano (O)
Chopin is called Poet Of The Piano (O)
Chopin Poet Of The Piano (O)
Christmas in August is called the Korean version of Love Letter with its tragic story and great acting (O)
“Christmas in August” is called the Korean version of Love Letter with its tragic story and great acting (O)
“Cité de la Musique” is in Austria (O)"Get away if you don't want to get hurt. It's for your own sake." said by Chestnut Rose (X)
"Cité de la musique" is located in France (X)
Cité de Musique is located in Italy (X)
Cite de la Musique is located in Austria (O)
Cite de la musique is located in France (X)
Cite de Musique is located in Italy (X)
civil black panther (X)
Claude Monet is an impressionism artist (O)
Claude Monet/Manet is an (impressionist painter / artist of impressionism) (O)
Coastline of Arctic Ocean is one of the main oil production zones in the world (X)
coastline of artic ocean, is the main source of oil production (X)
Cocinando huevos escalfados en un horno de microondas, usar un palillo para perforar la clara y la yema se realiza principalmente para Prevención de ráfagas (O)
Colorful attribute will not appear in equipment extraction (O)
Colossal Squid belongs to the mammals. -NX (X)
Colossal squid belongs to the mammals (X)
Comer demasiadas palomitas de maiz producidas por una maquina de palomitas de maiz puede conducir a intoxicacion por cormo (X)
Compared to incandescent light bulbs, energy saving bulb can save up to 40%, 30%-40% electricity (X)
Compared to incandescent light bulbs, energy saving bulb can save up to 75%, 70-80% electricity (O)
computer is one of the four most important inventions in the 20th century (O)
contents (O)
Convalaria y Gladiota son las pocas veces vistas hermanas gemelas en el Hada Floral (X)
Cornflower is a Water Flower Fairy (O)
Cornflower is refered to as Andre by the local bedouins from Sakala Desert (X)
Cornflower is Water Flower Fairy (O)
Costa del Oceano artico es una de las principales zonas de produccion de petroleo del mundo (X)
Crayon Shin-chan Father Height 180 (O)
Crit attribute ATK triggered 5 time 1*ATK (X)
Crit attribute decides whether ATK increased by 1.5x triggered (X)
Crit attribute decides whether ATK reduced by 35% when resistance triggered (X)
Crit attribute decides whether DEF increased by 100% when protection triggered (X)
Cuando una persona está bebiendo agua mientras hace una parada de manos, Imposible beber agua (X)
Cuando un Hada Floral viola la "Ley", entonces enfermarse (X)
Cuando un Hada Floral viola la "Ley", entonces infectado con "Hex" (O)
Cuando un Hada Floral viola la "Ley", entonces Marchitar (X)
Currently the mathematician who made the most progress in Goldbach is John Von Neuman (X)
Currently the mathematician who made the most progress in Goldbach is Prague/Praha (X)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both crawl animals (X)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both fishes (X)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both fishes. (X)
Cuttlefish and Octopus are both molluscs (O)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both molluscs. (O)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both Reptiles. (X)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both reptiles (X)
Cuttlefish and octopus are both Rheid animals (O)
Cuttlefish and Octopus are called as Chameleon of the Sea (O)
Cytoplasm is a part of the animal cell (O)
Cytoplasm is part of anime cell (O)
Daisy is a wind flower fairy (X)
Daisy is the pattern on the emblem of the French royals (X)
Danes were the first to use printing machines in Europe (X)
Dark Element is not included in the Four Elements (O)
David Copperfield is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
David Copperfield, The Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
David Is A Work Of Leonardo Da Vinci (X)
Death, Birth rate is one of the decesive/decisive factors for population reproduction (O)
Death rate is one of the decisive factors for population reproduction (O)
DEF incrased by 100% when protection triggered concerns the Crit Attribute (X)
Delicious Cake might explode if heated in the microwave (X)
Deploy 2 diffrent flower fairies to activate elemental echo, and largely enhance cp (X)
Deploy 2 same Fairy Flower to activate elemental echo, and largely enhance CP (X)
Deploy 2 same flower fairies to activate elemental echo, and largely enhance cp (O)
Deploy Anthurium and Oleander can activate the attribute effect (O)
Deploy Candock and Twin Lotus can activate the attribute effect (O)
Deploy Gladiolus And Sunflower Can Activate The Attribute Effect (O)
Deploy Gladiolus And Sunflower Can Activate The Attribute Effect. (O)
Deploy Holy element with other elements will trigger element combination of Flower Fairy with other element (O)
Deploy Holy element with other elements will trigger holy element combination (X)
Deploy Holy element with other elements will trigger non-element combination (X)
Deploy Holy Flower Fairies with other attributes will trigger non-attribute combination (X)
Deploy HolyThe country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Argentina (X)
Deploying Anthurium and Oleander can activate the attribute effect (O)
deploying candock and twin lotus can activate attribute effect (O)
deploying gladiolus and sunflowers can activate the attribute effect (O)
deploying primose and lindsay can activate the attribute effect (X)
Deploy Primrose and Lindsay can activate the attribute effect (X)
Deploy two of the same flower fairies to activate elemental echo and largely enhance CP (O)
Desierto de Sakala esta en el fondo del Arbol de Cabala (X)
Desplegar Anturio y Adelfa puede activar el efecto de atributo (O)
Desplegar Hadas Florales Sagradas con Hadas Florales de otros atributos hara que Disparar y combinacion sin atributo (X)
Desplegar Hadas Florales Segregadas con Hadas Florales de otros atributos hará que Disparar la combinación de atributo Sagrado (X)
Desplegar Nenufar y Loto Gemelo puede activar el efecto de atributo (O)
Desplegar Onagra y Lirios del Valle puede activar el efecto de atributo (X)
detective conan was listed in the guiness world record as the highest-grossing animated film (X)
Detective Conan was listed in the Guinness World Record as the highest-grossing animated film (X)
Devine comedy has been written by Dante (O)
Diantara 3 Tenor Teratas Dunia, Pavarotti adalah orang Spanyol (X)
Diosa de las rocas es una obra de Leonardo da Vinci (O)
Divine Comedy, Michaelangelo (X)
Divine Comedy was written by Dante Alighieri (O)
Divine Comedy was written by Dante (O)
Divine Comedy was written by Da Vinci (X)
Divine Comedy was written by Michaelangelo (X)
Dolphin has no Bellybutton (X)
don't want to get hurt. It's for your own sake." said by Oleander (O)
Dragonfly is a kind of insect (O)
Dragonfly is a type of insect (O)
During fighting in Cabala, dealing Crit damage increases the final damage by 1.5 times (O)
During fighting in Cabala, dealing crush damage increases ATK attribute by 1.5 times (O)
During fighting in Cabala, dealing pierce damage leads to a fixed-value damage (X)
during fighting in cabala triggering a dodge with reduce the damage taken by 50% (X)
eA Beethoven se lo llama el poeta del piano (X)
ean or sea (O)
Earth Day Is On The April 20th Of Each Year (X)
Earth day is on the April 22nd of each year (O)
Earthworm is a kind of insect (X)
Eating too much popcorn produced by a popcorn machine may lead to Chromium poison (X)
Eating too much popcorn produced by a popcorn machine may lead to chronium poison (X)
Eating too much popcorn produced by a popcorn machine may lead to Lead poison (O)
Eating too much popcorn produced by a popcorn machine may lead to Tin Poison (X)
Ebony In Redwood Can Sink Into The Water (X)
ectricidad alimenta una bombilla de 50 vatios durante 20 horas (O)
eFire counters Wind is one of the countering relations of Cabala elements (X)
Einstein is Jewish (O)
El agua contrarresta la Tierra es una de las relaciones opuestas de los elementos de Cabala (X)
El balet fue presentado en Italia (X)
El centro de TI mas importante del mundo, Silicon Valley, se encuentra en Minnesota, EUA (X)
El científico llamado "el Padre de la Física" es Euclides (X)
El científico llamado "el Padre de la Física" es Newtown (X)
El color que contrasta al azul es el Naranja (O)
El color que contrasta el azul es el "Rojo. (X)
El diamante mas antiguo del mundo es el diamante Keunor (O)
El dios del amor y la belleza en la mitologia romana es Venus (O)
Electric Energy is a low-carbon energy resource (X)
Electric energy is a low carbon energy source (X)
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more cabbages can keep you away from the static electricity (O)
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more cabbages can keep you away from the static electricity (X)
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more carrots can keep you away from the static electricity (X)
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more tomatoes can keep you away from the static electricit
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more vegetables rich in vatamin C can keep you away from the static electricity (O)
Electrolyte imbalance is the main cause of static electricity. Eat more vegetables rich in vitamin C can keep you away from the static electricity (O)
Electrolyte (O)
Elemental Power is forbidden in Sophila, and the use of it requires the permission from the Adventure Society (X)
Elemental Power Is Forbidden In Sophilia and the use of it requires the permission from the Adventure Society (X)
Elemental Power Is Forbidden In Sophilia (X)
Elemental Realm FF progress (X)
Elephant has no belly button (X)
Elephant will estivate (X)
El estomago de un camello contiene 3 ventriculos (O)
El gas toxico en el pantano de niebla proviene de Abuso de la Alquimia (X)
El gas toxico en el pantano de niebla proviene de Adelfa (O)
El gas toxico en el pantano de niebla proviene de El Plan de Yayoi (X)
El guía de la Sociedad de Aventura que siempre habla en un tono orgulloso y divertido es Colin (X)
El mar con la mayor salinidad del mundo es el Mar Egeo (X)
El mar con mas islas del mundo es el Mar Egeo (O)
el miembro a cargo de la logistica en la sociedad aventura es owen (X)
El miembro a cargo de la logistica en la sociedad aventura es Vallon (O)
El miembro a cargo de la logistica en la Sociedad de Aventura es Charlene (X)
El miembro a cargo de la logistica en la Sociedad de Aventura es Colin (X)
El Negro de la novela "Rojo y Negro" del novelista frances Stendhal se refiere a el lado malo (X)
El organo mas largo del cuerpo humano es el intestino delgado (O)
El Pais que ha celebrado la mayor cantidad de Juegos Olimpicos de Verano es Reino Unido (X)
El pajaro que puede ver el color azul es Loro (X)
El pájaro que puede ver el color azul es Paloma (X)
El poder del Hada Floral esta prohibido en Sefira y su uso requiere el permiso de la Sociedad de Aventura (X)
El propietario de Mansion Redbud es Freya (O)
El punto de retorno de la segunda guerra mundial fue Battalla de Stalingrado (O)
El que puede copiar los ninjutso de otros en Naruto es Kakashi (O)
El Rojo de la novela "Rojo y Negro" del novelista frances Stendhal se refiere a "El color del Uniforme del General". (O)
El túnel que conecta con Cabala se llama Sendero de la Espada de Fuego (O)
El tunel que conecta con Cabala se llama Camino de Cremacion (X)
El unico restaurante en Sefira es Taberna Milu (X)
El unico restaurante en Sefira es Taberna Reno (O)
El vegetal que mas odia Shin-chan es Pimienta Verde (O)
En camara 135, "135" se refiere a Modelo de Camara (X)
En el 3500 a.c., los estados esclavistas aparecieron en Antigua India (X)
En el aniversario del centenario del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) en 1984, Atenas fue nominada como la capital del COI (X)
En el caso de la Pupila Sagrada perdido, Lycoris salvo a Charlene en el momento final (O)
En el caso de la Pupila Sagrada perdido, Owen salvo a Charlene en el momento final (X)
En el mundo de Cabala, el objeto que puede dar forma a la cara del personaje es Cupon de forma de cara (X)
Energia de agua es un recurso energetico con bajas emisiones de carbono (O)
Engels dijo que alguien es "El ultimo Bardo en la Edad Medieval", esa persona es Dante (O)
Engels said someone is "The last bard in Medieval Age", that person was Boccaccio (X)
Engels said someone is "The last Bard in Medieval Age", that person was Dante (O)
Engels said someone is “The last bard in Medieval Age”, that person was Dante (O)
Engels said someone is "The last Bard in Medieval Age", that person was Keats (X)
Enhanced Flower Fairy Will can be put in the Exchange for sale (X)
Enhance Seal to Ascend Flower Fairy (X)
Enhance Seal to Increase Character skill level (X)
Enhance Seal to increase the bonus cp of deployed flower fairies (O)
Enhance Seal to Unlock Flower Fairy Assist Slot (O)
En las peliculas de Marvel, Doctor Weird posee la gema del tiempo (O)
En marchas atleticas de mas de 20 km, hay una estacion de suministro de alimentos cada 10 km (X)
En one piece la fruta que come Smoker es la Fruta Humeante (O)
En one piece la fruta que come Smoker es la fuera Oscura (X)
En tanto aprendamos puede activar la habilidad especifica de Arquero: Ojo de Halcon (X)
Entre los "3 Mas Grandes Tenores del Mundo", Carreras es un Español (O)
eploy Holy Flower Fairies with other attributes will trigger non-attribute combination(X)
Equipment Ascension can activate additional attributes (X)
Equipment ascension can enhance character rating (O)
equipment ascension cant be inherited (X)
Equipment ascension needs to consume equipment on the same position (O)
Equipment enchantment can change equipment colour (X)
Equipment enchantment can increase equipment resonance (O)
Equipment Enhancement can activate Enhancement Resonance (O)
Equipment enhancement can enhance character rating (O)
Equipment enhancement can't increase the characters ATK attribute (X)
Equipment enhancement can't increase the characters dmg increase attribute (O)
equipment enhancement can't increase the character's dmg increase attribute (O)
Equipment enhancement can't increase the characters HP attribute (X)
Equipment enhancement level can be inherited when changing Equipment (O)
Equipment enhancement needs to consume enhance dust (O)
Equipment extraction attribute can be inherited when changing Equipment (X)
equipment quality can be inherited when changing equipment (X)
equipment quality no is improved by cultivation system (O)
Equipment's quality Yes is improved by Cultivation System (X)
Equipments quality Yes is improved by Cultivation System (X)
Equipment Star Level can be inherited when changing Equipment (O)
Equip Three Marksman Skill Archer Hawkeye (O)
er reflects the life of the Polish composer Chopin (O)
Esencia Saborizante generalmente se pone en gelatina (O)
Estela son los fragmentos dejados atrás por el sendero de la espada de fuego colapsado, y pueden ser útiles para los aventureros al explorar (X)
e that can copy other's ninjutsu in Naruto is KaKadong (X)
et (X)
Euros came into circulation in July. 1st (O)
EXP event gameplay, can't obtain fairy exp (O)
EXP event gameplay, can't obtain skill rubbing. (X)
Exposure To X Ray Causes Aplastic Anemia (O)
Exposure to X ray causes Globular Anemia (X)
Exposure to X-ray causes Globular Anemia (X)
Exposure To X Ray Causes Hypoplastic Anemia (X)
Exposure To X Ray Causes Slightly Increased Risk Of Cancer (O)
Exposure to X ray causes Thalassemia (X)
exp pool, attracting rune attract non active (O)
Eyelid is the stongest muscle of human body (X)
Features of the temperate desert environment include great temperature difference between day and night, Low annual precipitation, Long roots and small leaves (O)
Features of the temperate desert environment include the plant has long leaves and small roots (X)
Finger has the strongest muscle of human body (X)
Fire counters Wind is one of the countering relations of Cabala elements (X)
Fire Element is not included in the Four Elements (X)
First Football World Cup, Uruguay (O)
first football world cup was held in brazil (X)
first football world cup was held in italy (X)
First world cup was held in France (X)
Floating Stone Are The Fragments Left Bythe Collapsed Path Of The Fire Sword, And Can Be Of Use To Adventurers When Exploring Cabala (O)
Floating Stones are the fragments left by the collapsed Path of Fire Sword, and can be of use to adventurers when exploring Cabala (O)
Floating stones are the fragments (O)
Floors cleared in path of fire sword will not affect seal promotion (X)
Flower Fairies Infected With Chi Will Most Likely Remain Self Conscious (X)
Flower Fairies Infected With Chi Will Most Likely Respawn (X)
Flower Fairies Infected With Chi Will Most Likely Wither (X)
Flower fairies infected with Qi would mostly eroded by Qi and lost self control (O)
Flower fairies infected with ‘Qi' would mostly eroded by ‘Qi' and lost self control (O)
Flower fairies infected with Qi would mostly reborn (X)
Flower fairies infected with ‘Qi' would mostly reborn (X)
Flower fairies infected with ‘Qi' would mostly remain self-consciousness (X)
Flower Fairies on battle slots and Flower Fairies on assist slots the bonus on Character's CP is Different (X)
Flower Fairies on battle slots and Flower Fairies on assist slots the bonus on Character's CP is Same (O)
Flower Fairies on battle slots and Flower Fairies on assist slots, the bonus on Character's Cp is Same. (O)
Flower fairy ascension can add fairy skills. (X)
Flower Fairy Ascension Can change Flower Fairy form (X)
flower fairy ascension can enhance flower fairy attributes (O)
flower fairy assencan ... (O)
flower fairy can provide attribute bonus on the assist slot (O)
Flower Fairy Infected By Chi Will Mostly Wither (X)
Flower Fairy Infected By Chi Would Be Eroded And Mostly Lose Control (O)
Flower fairy is able to activate elemental echo in assist slot (X)
Flower Fairy is both the embodiment of power and all the pass in Cabala (X)
Flower Fairy is both the embodiment of power and all the passport in Cabala (X)
Flower Fairy Is Power And Passport In Cabala (X)
Flower Fairy only responds to the summon of Adventure Society and forms contract that links them together (X)
Flower Fairy only responds to the summon of Guardian and forms contract that links them together (O)
Flower fairy only responds to the summon of Priest and forms contract that links them together (X)
Flower Fairy only responds to the summon of Priest and forms pact that links them together (X)
Flower fairy only responds to the summon of Yayoi and forms contract that links them together (X)
Flower Fairy only responds to the summon of Yayoi and forms pact that links them together (X)
flower fairy total level will not affect seal (X)
Flower fairy unable to activate elemental echo in assist slot (O)
Flower Fairy Unable to provide attribute bonus on the assist slot (X)
Flower fairy unable to provide attribute bonus on the assist slot. (X)
Flower Fairy Unable to provide elemental echo on assist slot (X)
flowering phase than the epiphyllum)is Wheat flower (O)
Flowers Fairy Only Responds To The Summon Of (0) And Forms Contract That Links Them Together (X)
Fog Swamp Is At The Bottom Of The Cabala Tree (X)
Folic Acid is one of the nutrients contained in green vegetables (O)
Folic acid is one of the nutrition contained in green vegetables (O)
Folic acid is one of the nutrition contained in vegetables (O)
Food coloring usually included in jellies (O)
Freya é a mãe de liz (O)
Freya é a mãe de liz (X)
Freya es la madre de Liz (X)
Freya is a deity in greek mythology (X)
Freya Is Liz's Mother (X)
Frog Will Estivate (O)
Frostbite Causes Injury Of The Hair Capillary (X)
Frostbite causes injury of the skin's (Arrestor/Arrector) (X)
Frostbite Causes Injury Of The Skin's Capillary (O)
Frostbite is caused by exposed to cold, the injury of skin’s Capillary (O)
Frostbite is caused by exposed to cold, the injury of skin’s Hair Follical (X)
Frostbite is caused by injury of the skin's Arrector. (X)
Frostbite is caused by injury of the skin's Capillary (O)
Fuego El elemento no esta incluido en los cuatro elementos (X)
gan"Pocas ganancias, nada de crédito" es una frase propia de Hoja Plateada (O)
Gemini is fire zodiac (X)
Gemini is the fire sign of zodiacs (X)
"Get away if you don't want to get hurt. It's for your own sake." said by Oleander (O)
Get away if you don't want to get hurt. It's for your own sake. said by Oleander (O)
"Get away if you"WHO" stand for World Trade Organization (X)
ggeThe Biggest Enemy Of The Adventure Society Is Yayoi (O)
Girl Remaining Attendants Have An Odd Number (updated) (O)
Girl Remaining Attendants Have An Odd Number (X)
Global warming is a global environmental problem (O)
God bless equipment can be combined by enhance dust and god bless essence (X)
God bless equipment can be combined by god bless scroll and god bless essence (O)
God Bless Equipment can be combined by Normal Equipment and God Bless Essence (X)
God bless equipment can be combined by spirit infusion gem and god bless essence (X)
God bless equipment can be obtained from ancient ruins (O)
God bless equipment can be obtained from equipment ruins. (O)
god bless equipment can be obtained from god bless combination (O)
God bless equipment can be obtained from Path of Fire Sword (X)
God bless equipment can be put in the Exchange for sale (X)
God bless equipment can be put in the Exchange for sale. (X)
God Bless Scroll Chest can be put in auction for exchange (O)
God bless Scroll Chest can be put in the Exchange for sale (O)
Goddess of rock is work by Leonardo da vinci (O)
God of Love is Hera (X)
Gold accessories use K to describe their gold content, 18K gold accessories contain 55% gold (X)
Gold accessories use K to describe their gold content, 18K gold accessories contain 65% gold (X)
Gold accessories use K to describe their gold content, 18K gold accessories contain 75% gold (O)
Gold accessories use K to describe their gold content. 18K gold accessories contain 75% gold (O)
goldfish belongs to mammals (X)
Goldfish belongs to the mammals (X)
Golgi’s Autobiographical trilogy is "My Childhood" (O)
Golgi’s Autobiographical trilogy is My Childhood (O)
Good Natural Condition is the main reason to boost Singapores economic development (X)
Gorky Is The Only Writer From Russia Who Has Reached The Peak Of The World Of Literature (X)
Gorky's Autobiography Trilogy Is "In The World" (X)
Gorky's Autobiography Trilogy Is In The World (X)
Gorky's Autobiography Trilogy Is My Childhood, In The World... (X)
Gorky's Autobiography Trilogy Is "My Childhood" (O)
Gorky wrote three autobiographical works, namely My Childhood, In the World and My Universities (O)
grackle can imitate human language (O)
Graf adalah satu-satunya petenis yang meraih 2 gelar Grand Slam (X)
Graf was the only tennis player who won 2 championships of Grand Slam (X)
Graf was the only tennis player who won 3 championships of Grand Slam (X)
Graf was the only tennis player who won 4 championships of Grand Slam (O)
Gran Bretaña fundo Gas Natural en el Mar del Norte, lo que ayudo a las zonas industriales atrasadas (X)
Granite is a coarse-grained (phaneritic) intrusive igneous rock composed mostly of quartz, alkali feldspar, and plagioclase (O)
Granite is a polyporous magmatite (X)
Grassland can absorb carbon monoxide and produce oxygen in environment protection (X)
Grassland Can Absorbs Carbon Dioxide And Produces Oxygen In Environment Protection (O)
Grassland can Absorbs carbon monoxide and produces oxygen in environment protection (X)
Grassland can absorb sulfur dioxide and produce oxygen in environment protection (X)
Great Expectations is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
Green is one of the three primary colors (X)
Green is the vegetable with the least nutritional ingredients (X)
Green vegetable has the least nutritional ingredients (X)
Guide Of Adventure Society Is
g water while doing a handstand, it's nothing special than drinking while standing on feet (O)
Hada Floral solo responde a Aventura de la Sociedad, y forma un vinculo que los une (X)
Hada Floral solo responde a Guardian, y forma un vinculo que los une (O)
Hada Floral solo responde a Yayoi, y forma un vinculo que los une. (X)
hair color of chestnut rose is white (X)
Have a chance to halve damage when block triggered concerns the Crit attribute (O)
Haydn is called poet of piano (X)
haydn poet of the piano (X)
Hecate is a deity in the Greek Mythology (O)
hedgehog feed on ant (O)Holy Pupil Is Both The Embodiment Of Power And Also The Passport In Cabala (X)
Hedgehogs feed on Ant ANSWER: YES (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Ant ANSWER: YES (X)
Hedgehogs feed on ant (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Ant (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Ant. (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Ant (X)
Hedgehogs feed on Locust (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Mole Cricket (O)
Hedgehogs feed on Mole Cricket (X)
Hedgehogs feed on Rat (O)
Hedgehogs feed on rats (O)
Hedgehogs feed on rats (X)
High density lipoproteins are far too high is one of the diagnostic indicators of the metabolic syndrome (X)
High-density lipoproteins are too high is one of the diagnostic indicators of the Metabolic Syndrome (X)
High density lipoproteins are too high is one of the diagnostic indicators of the Metabolic Syndrom (X)
Hoja Plateada ha estado buscando a Adelfa (O)
Hoja Plateada ha estado buscando a Anturio (X)
Hoja Plateada ha estado buscando a Iris (X)
Hoja Plateada ha estado buscando a Rosa Castaña (X)
Holy counters fire is one of the countering relations of Cabala elements (O)
Holy Pupil Is Both The Embodiment And Passport To Cabala (X)
Holy Pupil Is Both The Embodiment Of Power And Als
Holy Pupil is both the embodiment of power and the pass to Cabala (X)
Holy Star Coin Is One Of The Cabala's Four Relics (O)
Horizontal bar is not included in the Man's Gymnastics project (X)
Hornet has a barbed stinger so when it stings people it will die (X)
Hornet has a barbed stinger which might cause its death if it stings people (X)
Hornet has a stinger with no barb, so it can keep stinging people several times (O)
Hornet has a stinger with no barb, so it can sting people several times (O)
Hornet has a stinger with no barb, so it can sting people with no consequences (O)
Hornet has barbed stinger which might cause its death if it stings people (X)
hreatening (O)
Hukum pertama kali muncul di masyarakat perbudakan internet datang ke China pada tahun 1994 (O)
human organ with the largest water content is brain (X)
human organ with the largest water content is eyeball (O)
Human organ with the largest water content is Skin (X)
Human organ with the largest water content is Stomach (X)
hyacinth is wind flower fairy (O)
Hydrangea is a fire flower fairy (X)
Hydrangea is Water Flower Fairy (O)
Hyperglycemia is one of the diagnostic indicators of the Metabolic Syndrome (O)
Hypertension is one of the diagnostic indicators of the Metabolic Syndrome. (O)
ication of Naraku is Kagorra (O)
Ice age was listed in the guiness highest grossing (X)
Ice Age was listed in the Guinness World Record as the highest-grossing animated film (X)
Icelanders were the first to use the printing machine in Europe (O)
Icelanders were the first to use the printing machine in Europe (X)
If a flower fairy infected with "Chi", it will be eroded by \"Chi\" and lost self control (O)
If a flower fairy infected with Chi, it will be eroded by Chi and lost self control (O)
If a flower fairy infected with Chi, it will be eroded by Chi and remain self conscious (X)
If a flower fairy infected with "Chi", it will reborn (X)
If a flower fairy infect with "Chi", it will wither/reborn (X)
If a flower fairy infect with "Chi", it will wither (X)
If someone is suffering from malnutrition and edema, he should drink more soybean milk (O)
If Someone Is Suffering From Malnutrition And Edema, He Should Eat More Vegetables. (X)
If Someone Is Suffering From Malnutrition And Edema, He Should Take Eat More Vegetables. (X)
If someone is suffering from malnutrition and edema, they should eat more fruits (X)
if spf is 30, it can increase the time taken before taken sunburn by 30 times (O)
If the human body becomes dehydrated 20% it will endanger life 20% (O)
If the human body becomes dehydrated/life-threatening 20% it will endanger life 20% (O)
If the human body loses 15% water, it will be life-threatening (X)
If The Human Body Loses 20% Water, It Will Be Life-threatening (O)
If the human body losses 10% water, it will be dehydrated/life-threatening (X)
If the human body losses 15% water, it will be dehydrated/life-threatening (X)
If the human body losses 20% water, it will be dehydrated/life-threatening (O)
if the spf is 30, it can be used when ultraviolet (uv) under 30 (X)
if the spf is 30, it can increase the time taken for sunburn by 30 min/times (O)
if the spf is 30, it can increase the time taken for sunburn by 30 times (O)
If the SPF is 30, it can protect 30% of the body skin (X)
If the SPF is 30, it can protect 30% of the body (X)
If the SPF is 30, it will protect you from the sun for 30 minutes (X)
If you don't want to get hurt, you better stay away from me. I say this for your own good. This is said by Oleander (O)
iles para los aventureros al explorar (X)
In 1794, Napoleon Was Held As A Prisoner By The Thermidorians For 14 Days (O)
In 1794, Napoleon was held as a prisoner by the Thermidoriens for 12 days (X)
In 1974, Napoleon was held as a prisoner by the Thermidorians for 14 days (O)
In 3500 BC, Slavery appeared in Ancient Babylon (O)
In 3500BC, Slavery appeared in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Babylon (O)
In 3500 BC, Slavery States Appeared In Ancient Babylon (O)
In 3500 BC, Slavery States Appeared In Ancient Egypt (O)
In 3500 BC, slavery states appeared in Ancient India (X)
In a round of a volleyball match, each team has 1 time chance(s) to request time-out (X)
In a round of a volleyball match, each team has 2 time chance(s) to request time-out (O)
In a round of a volleyball match, each team has 3 time chance(s) to request time-out (X)
In a round of a volleyball match, each team has attempts unlimited chances to request time-out (X)
In a round of a volleyball match, each team has unlimited time chance(s) to request time-out (X)
In ascending Flower Fairy. The max of Flower Fairy is 15-stars. (X)
In Cabala world, the item that can shape the face of character is Face-shaping Ticket (X)
In Cabala world the item that can shape the face of character is Portable Beauty Salon (O)
In Cabala world, the item that can shape the face of character is Portable Beauty Salon (O)
In Cabala world, the item that can shape the face of character is refresh card (X)
In Cabala world the item that can shape the face of character is Respawn Card (X)
In Cabala world, the item that can shape the face of character is respawn card (X)
In camera 135, 135 is refer to film model (X)
In camera 135, "135" is refer to film number (O)
in camera 135 "135: refers to camera model (X)
in camera 135, 135: refers to camera model (X)
In Camera 135, 135 refers to film number (O)
In Camera 135, 135 refers to film number (X)
In Crayon Shin-chan Father Height 175 (X)
In Crayon Shin-chan Father Height 180 (O)
In Crayon Shin-chan, the father is 170 cm in height (X)
In Crayon Shin-chan, the father is 180 cm in height (O)
In Crayon Shin-chan, the father is 185cm in height. (X)
In EXP Pool, pick up Armor Rune to Imune Monster (O)
In Exp Pool, pick up Attracting Rune can't attract non actively attack monster (O)
In EXP Pool, pick up Holy Magic Rune to demove DeBuff (O)
In EXP Pool, pick up Protection Rune to regenerate HP (X)
In EXP Pool, Pick up Super Armor Rune to immune the control effect of monsters (O)
In giant boss miasma mode, players can attack each other (O)
In giant boss miasma mode, players can't attack each other (X)
In giant boss miasma mode, players can't attack each other. (X)
In giant boss miasma mode, players ranking top10 on damage ranking get dmg rewards (X)
In giant boss miasma mode, players ranking top 10 on damage will get damage rewards (X)
In giant boss miasma mode, players ranking top5 on damage ranking get dmg rewards (O)
In giant boss miasma mode, players ranking top 5 on damage will get damage rewards (O)
In Giant Boss Normal Mode, Can get Ownership Rewards (X)
In Giant Boss Normal Mode, Ownership Rewards don't exist. -NX (O)
In giant boss normal mode, Ownership Rewards don't exist (O)
In giant boss normal mode, players can attack each other (X)
In giant boss normal mode, players can't attack each other (O)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Forever (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Forever. (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Moroha (O)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Rion (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Setsuna (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the second replication of naraku is Kagorra (O)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the second replication of naraku is Kagura (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the second replication of naraku is Naraku (X)
In Hanyo no Yashahime, the second replication of naraku is Naruto (X)
In Homer's Epic, the Trojan War lasted for 10 years (O)
In Homers Epic, the Trojan War lasted for 10 years (O)
In Homer’s Epic, the Trojan War lasted for 10 years (O)
In Homer's Epic, the Trojan War lasted for 11 years (X)
In Homers Epic, the Trojan War lasted for 11 years (X)
In Homers Epic, The Trojan War Lasted For 12 Years (X)
In Homer’s Epic, The Trojan War Lasted For 12 Years (X)
In Homer's Epic, the Trojan war lasted for 14 years (X)
In Homers Epic, the Trojan war lasted for 14 years (X)
In Inuyasha Second Form Kagorra (X)
In Inuyasha, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Forever (X)
In Inuyasha, the name of Inuyasha's daughter is Moroha (O)
In Inuyasha, the second replication of Naraku is Kagorra (O)
in inuyasha the second replication of naraku is kagorra (O)
in inuyasha the second replication of naraku is kagura (X)
In Inuyasha, the second replication of Naraku is Naraku (X)
In Inuyasha, the second replication of Naraku is Naruto (X)
In Japanese anime, the race with the least population is Orc (O)
In Japan, the prevailing ... (O)
In Japan, the prevailing wind direction in summer northeast monsoon (X)
In Japan, the prevailing wind direction northeast monsoon (O)
In Japan, the prevailing wind direction northeast monsoon (X)
In Japan, the prevailing wind direction northwest monsoon (X)
In Japan, the prevailing wind direction southeast monsoon (O)
In king of games glaucoma white dragon (X)
In King of Games, the trump card of Seto Kaiba is Blue-eye White Dragon (O)
In King of games, the trump card of Seto Kaiba is Eye-rolling Black Dragon (X)
In king of games the trump card of seto kaiba is eye-rolling black dragon (X)
In King of games, the trump card of Seto Kaiba is Glaucoma White Dragon (X)
In king of games the trump card of seto kaiba is glaucoma white dragon (X)
In King of Games, the trump card of Seto Kaiba is Totoro (X)
In king of games the trump card of seto kaiba is totoro (X)
in king of games the trump card of seto tataoro (X)
In Marvel Movies, Black Panther doesn't show civil war (X)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strange doesn't show civil war (O)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strange doesn't show in the civil war (O)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strange owns the time gem (O)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strange owns the time gem (X)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strange owns the time gem (xx) (X)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strangle owns the time gem (X)
In Marvel Movies, Doctor Strong owns the time gem (X)
In Marvel movies, Doctor Weird owns the time gem (X)
In Marvel Movies, Hawk Eye doesn't show civil war (X)
In Marvel Movies, Hawk Eye doesn't show in civil war (X)
In Marvel Movies, Vision doesn't show in civil war (X)
In Olympic rings, Africa is in Black (O)
In Olympic rings, Americans is in Red (O)
In Olympic rings, Asia is in Black (X)
In Olympic rings, Asia is in Blue (X)
In Olympic rings, Asia is in Golden (O)
In Olympic rings, Asia is in green (X)
In Olympic rings, Europe is in Blue (O)
In Olympic rings, Golden symbolizes Asia (O)
In Olympic rings, Oceania is in Green (O)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is Dark Dark Fruit (X)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is Dark-Dark Fruit (X)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is Flame-Flame Fruit (X)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is Gum Gum Fruit (X)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is Gum-Gum Fruit (X)
In One Piece, the devil fruit eaten by Smoker is smoke-smoke Fruit (O)
In order to maximize its effect, windbreak shall be formed with 5 to 10 rows of trees (X)
In order to maximize its effect, windbreak shall be formed with more than 10 rows of trees (O)
In Order To Maximize Its Effect, Windbreak Shall Formed With 5 To 10 Rows Of Trees. (X)
In path of fire sword Esploration Rewards does not exist (X)
In Path of Fire Sword, Exploration Rewards does not exist (X)
In path of fire sword First Clear Rewards does not exist (X)
In path of fire sword Ranking Rewards does not exist (X)
In path of fire sword Repeated challenge rewards does not exist (O)
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Chow Yun-Fat acted as the Captain Sao Feng (O)
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Jay Chou acted as the Captain Sao Feng (X)
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Jay Chou acted as the Captain Xiaofeng (X)
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Jay Chou/Jackie chan acted as the Captain Sao (X)
In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Jet Li acted as the Captain Sao Feng (X)
Inscription and Order can be put in the Exchange for sale (O)
In skill system players can carry out class advancement (O)
In skill system, players can carry out Class Advancement (O)
In skill system players can carry out class change (O)
In skill system, players can carry out Skill Change (O)
In stock exchange, Closing price is the most basic data to analyze the stock market (O)
In stock exchange, opening price is the most basic data to analyze the stock market (X)
In Stock Exchange, Publishing Price is The Most Basic Data To Analyze The Stock Market (X)
In Stock Exchange, Publishing Priceis The Most Basic Data To Analyze The Stock Market (X)
International marine speed is indicated using "Section", 1 "Section" is 3112 KM/hour (X)
International marine speed is indicated using Section, 1 Section is 3112 KM/hour (X)
Internet Came To China In 1994 (O)
Internet came to China in the year of 1994 (O)
In the anime The Seven Deadly Sins, Harlequin is the Holy Knight dubbed as the Dragon's Sin (X)
In the anime The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas, also known as the Dragon Sin of Wrath (O)
In the anime The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas is the Holy Knight dubbed as the Dragon's Sin (O)
In the anime The Seven Deadly Sins, Percival is the Holy Knight dubbed as the Dragon's Sin (O)
In the anime The Seven Deadly Sins, Zaratras is the Holy Knight dubbed as the Dragon's Sin (X)
In The Event If The Lost Holy Pupil, I Saved Charlene At The Final Moment. (X)
In The Event If The Lost Holy Pupil, Lyco Saved Charlene At The Final Moment (O)
In The Event Of The Lost Holy Pupil, charlene Saved Owen At The Final Moment. (X)
In The Event Of The Lost Holy Pupil, Iris Saved Charlene At The Final Moment. (X)
In The Event Of The Lost Holy Pupil, Lycoris Saved Charlene At The Final Moment. (O)
In the event of the lost holy pupil, Owen saved Charlene at the final moment (X)
In the movie The Avengers, Chris Evans acted as the Iron man (X)
In the movie The Avengers, Chris Hamsworth acted as the Iron Man (X)
In the movie The Avengers, Robert John Downey Jr. acted as the Iron man (O)
In the novel Red and Black by French Writer Stendhal, Red refers to the General’s Uniform color, Black refers to the Bishop’s color (O)
In the novel “Red and Black” by French Writer Stendhal, Red refers to the General’s Uniform color, Black refers to the Bishop’s color (O)
In the romance of the three kingdoms, guanyu is nicknamed as woodpecker (X)
In the romance of the three kingdoms, sun ce is nicknamed as woodpecker (X)
In the romance pf the three kingdoms, dong zhuo is nicknamed as woodpecker (O)
In the romance pf the three kingdoms, zhang fei is nicknamed as woodpecker (X)
In the Skill System, players can carry out Specialization Switch (O)
In the Stock Exchange, Closing Price is the most basic data to analyse the stock market (O)
In the summer season the humming cicada sound comes from female (X)
In the summer season, the humming cicada sound comes from male (O)
In the summer season, the humming sound of cicada is from male (O)
In Tom & Jerry, the leader of the Three Alley Cats is Butch (O)
In “Tom & Jerry”, the leader of the “Three Alley Cats” is Butch (O)
Inuyasha Second Form Kagorra (X)
In walking races beyond 20km, there is a food supply station every 3 km (X)
In walking races beyond 20km, there is a food supply station every 3km (X)
In walking races beyond 20km, there is a food supply station every 5 km (O)
In Your Custom, The Ring Should Be Put On Wearing It On The Middle Finger Means One Is Currently Looking For A Partner. (X)
Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents can lead to general weakness (X)
Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents can lead to Hyperthyreosis (X)
Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents will lead to Compromised growth and intelligence (O)
Iodine is also called the Intelligent Element (O)
iris and primrose are the rarely seen twin sisters in the flower fairy (X)
Irish were the first to use the printing machine in europe (X)
Iris is referred to as Andre by the local Bedouins from Skala Desert (X)
Iris is the pattern on the emblem of the French royals (O)
Iris is Water Flower Fairy (O)
Iris is Water Type Flower Fairy (O)
Iris Water Type Flower Fairy (X)
Iron is also called as the Intelligent Element (X)
Iron Is Also Intelligent Element (X)
Italy is the country with the highest obesity rate in the world (X
Jacinto es una hada floral de viento (O)
Japan is the first country to form the strategic and tactical missile forces in asia (X)
Jellies often contain enriched vitamins (X)
Jellies often contain flavoring essence (O)
Jellies often contain food coloring (O)
Jellies often contain sugar substitute, acidulate, etc ... (O)
Jellies often contain sugar substitute, acidulate.. (X)
Jelly often contains artificial coloring, food flavoring, sweeteners, sour agents (O)
Jika tubuh manusia kehilangan air 10% maka hidupnya dalam bahaya 10% (X)
Jumlah kaos Pele adalah no.23 (X)
Jumlah sisa pemain yang memakai longbow adalah ganjil (O)
Just like Statue of Liberty, another well-known nickname of the USA is Old Sam (X)
Just like Statue of Liberty, another well-known nickname of the USA is Uncle Sam (O)
Just like the Statue of Liberty, another well-known nickname of the USA is Uncle Tom (X)
just like the statue of liberty another well known nickname of the usa is uncle tom (X)
just like the statue of liberty uncle tom (X)
Kampanye di perang dunia pertama yang menggunakan gas untuk pertama kalinya adalah Battle of Verdun (O)
kayıp kız likorıs (O)
Kecepatan angkatan laut internasional umum yang menggunakan “simpul” sebagai unit, satu simpul berarti 1,852km/jam (O)
Ⱥ Kind Of Melon’s Fruit (X)
Kiwi is a kind of Berries fruit (O)
Kiwi is a kind of berries (O)
Kiwi Is a Kind Of Melon’s Fruit (X)
Kiwi is a kind of melon (X)
Kiwi is a kind of nuts fruit (X)
Kiwi is a kind of Nuts (wrong!!!) (X)
Kiwi is a kind of Nuts (X)
Kiwi Is Ⱥ Kind Of Melon’s Fruit (X)
Konjaku is often used to lose weight, because Easy to digest (X)
Konjaku is often used to lose weight, because strong water absorption (O)
Konjaku is often used to lose weight, since it has a strong water absorption (O)
Konjaku is often used to lose weight, since it needs to be chewed (X)
Koonjaku is often used to lose weight, because Need to chew (X)
Korea Selatan adalah yang pertama membentuk pasukan rudal strategis dan taktis di Asia (X)
Kucing OS dilindungi dengan baik di Roma Kuno (X)
La Aldea de Santa Claus esta en Islandia (X)
La Aldea de Santa Claus esta en Paises Bajos (X)
La araña es un tipo de Insecto (X)
La causa principal de la electricidad estatica es el desequilibrio de electrolitos. Tener mas tomate puede mantenerte lejos de la electricidad estatica. (X)
La "Cite de la Musique" se encuentra en Austria (O)
La clase con la habilidad para regenerar PV es Artesano (O)
La clase con la habilidad para regenerar PV es Erudito (O)
La clase con la habilidad para regenerar PV es Gladiador (X)
La comida favorita de Miru es Fruta Caliente (X)
La comida Favorita de Miru es Leche de Fresa (X)
La comida favorita de Miru es Piedra de Luz (O)
La constante extensión del Árbol de la Vida finalmente causo Big Bang (X)
La constante extensión del Árbol de la Vida finalmente causo Diluvio Grande (X)
La constante extensión del Árbol de la Vida finalmente causo Infiltración Dimensional (O)
La contaminación acústica se refiere a Ruido superior a 60 decibeles (X)
La copiadora producirá Dioxido de sulfuro durante el proceso de imprenta (X)
La frase propia de Charlene es "Recto e Inflexible" (O)
La Guerra de los cien Años entre Inglaterra y Francia en realidad duro 102 años (X)
La habilidad que puede regenerar PV es Restriccion de Sangre (O)
La hermana de Casey es Annie (X)
La hermana de Casey es Rita (X)
La idea de "Mano invisible" en el campo de la economia fue de mencionada originalmente por David Ricardo (X)
La idea de "Mano invisible" en el campo de la economia fue de mencionada originalmente por Marx (X)
La iglesia creía en Guardian, de quien se decía que había salvado a Sefira de la invasión de monstruos (X)
La iglesia creía en Hada Floral, de quien se decía que había salvado a Sefira de la invasión de monstruos (X)
La iglesia creía en Yayoi, de quien se decía que había salvado a Sefira de la invasión de monstruos (X)
La ley apareció por primera vez en el sociedad feudalismo (X)
La Mazurka se origino en Polonia (O)
La mejor manera de apagar el fuego de una linterna de alcohol es Apagar con agua (X)
La mejor manera de apagar el fuego de una linterna de alcohol es Espolvorear una capa de arena (X)
La memoria de Rosa Castaña fue sellada en Ciudad Roble (X)
La memoria de Rosa Castaña fue sellada en Pradera Kagma (X)
La necesidad de que un hombre vaya al Pantano Brumosa es Saco de Veneno (X)
La octava maravilla del mundo es Guerreros de Terracota (O)
La peninsula con mas petroleo es Peninsula Arabiga (O)
La peninsula con mas petroleo es Peninsula Italeana (X)
La piel de una zebra es Negro (O)
La pradera pueden Absorber dioxido de azufre y produce oxigeno en proteger el medio ambiente (X)
La primera Copa del Mundo de futbol tuvo lugar en Brasil (X)
La primera Copa del Mundo de futbol tuvo lugar en italia (X)
La primera Copa del Mundo de futbol tuvo lugar en Uruguay (O)
La primera montura que recibe un aventurero en el juego es Zorro Rayo (X)
La principal fuente que impulsa el desarrollo económico de Singapur es ubicación geográfica superior. (O)
La raiz de loto es la Si de una planta (X)
La razón por la que se sello la memoria de Rosa Castaña es que quiere ser mas fuerte (X)
La razon por la que se sello la memoria de Rosa Castaña es Queria olvidar a quienes le causaron dolor (X)
La razon por la que se sello la memoria de Rosa Castaña es Quiere ser mas fuerte (X)
La relacion contractual ente Hada Floral y humano se llama Singenesis (X)
La sangre de un Caracol es "Rojo. (X)
Las arañas tienen 8 pies (O)
Las capitales nombradas en honor a humanos incluyen Paris (O)
Las clases de competencias de levantamiento de peso se basan en Basado en el peso de las barras (X)
Laser is one of the four most important inventions of the 20th century (O)
Las Hadas florales infectadas con "Hex" principalmente Erosionado por el "Hex" y perdido su consciencia (O)
Las Hadas florales infectadas con "Hex" principalmente Marchitar (X)
Las Hadas florales infectadas con "Hex" principalmente Permanecer consciente de si mismo (X)
Las lagrimas de cocodrilo se utilizan generalmente para Disfrazarte (X)
Las luces de transito tienen luces de color rojo y verde porque el color del ... trabajadores que descansan (X)
Las ocho notas en las Caja de Musicales son Ocho tipos de instrumentos musicales (O)
Las ocho notas en las Caja de Musicales son Ocho tipos de Musica (X)
La Sociedad de Aventura ha establecido muchos campamentos verdes en Cábala para ayudar a explorar esta vasta tierra infestada de monstruos (O)
La Sociedad de Aventura ha establecido muchos campamentos verdes en Sefira para ayudar a explorar esta vasta tierra infestada de monstruos (X)
Las personas que usan blanco son mas fáciles de ser picadas por los mosquitos (X)
Las personas que usan negro son mas fáciles de ser picadas por los mosquitos (O)
Law first appeared in Feudalism society (X)
“Law” first appear in Slavery Society (O)"Pocas ganancias, nada de credito" es una frase propia de Mercader Errante (X)
ld is Andes Vulture (X)
Learn and equip three Judge skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (X)
Learn and equip three [Judge] skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (X)
Learn and equip three Marksman skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (O)
Learn and equip three [Marksman] skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (O)
Learn and equip three WindChaser skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (X)
Learn and equip three [WindChaser] skills to activate the specified skill of Archer: Hawk Eye (X)
learn to activate the specified skill of archer: hawk eye (X)
Leftover food might explode if heated in the microwave (X)
left over food might explode in the microwave (X)
lement with other elements will trigger holy element combination (X)
Lenin Called Someone “A Mirror Of Russian Revolution”, It Is Gorky (X)
Lenin called someone “A mirror of Russian Revolution”, it is Sholokhov (X)
Lenin called someone “A mirror of Russian Revolution”, it is Tolstoy (O)
Lenin menyebut seseorang “Cermin Revolusi Rusia” itu adalah Sholokhov (X)
Lettuce Is Originally From China (X)
Libelula es un tipo de Insecto (O)
Life Skill total level will not affect Seal promotion (O)
Light Element is not included in the Four Elements (O)
like Statue of Liberty, another well-known nickname of the USA is Uncle Sam (O)
Like the chicken, Duck can also lay eggs without the process of fertilization (X)
Like the chicken, Snake can also lay eggs without the process of fertilization (X)
Like the chicken, Turtle can also lay eggs without the process of fertilization (O)
Lily Flower is the pattern on the emblem if the French Royale Crest (X)
Lily Flower is the pattern on the emblem of the French royals (X)
Lily , French Royale Crest (X)
Lima Perangkat Keras dalam hidup adalah singkatan dari silver (O)
Lindsay And Gladiolus Are The Rarely Seen Twin Sisters In The Flower Fairy (X)
Lindsay is Water Flower Fairy (X)
Little Dorrit is a masterwork of dickens (O)
Liz desapareció en 4 (X)
Liz desapareció en 5 (O)
Liz desapareció en 6 (X)
Liz desapareció en 7 (X)
Liz Went Missing at 4 (X)
liz went missing at 5 is X fix this (X)
Liz Went Missing at 5 (O)
Liz Went Missing at 5 (X)
liz went missing at 6 (X)
Liz went missing at 7 (X)
Liz went missing at 8 (O)
Liz went missing at 8 (The actual answer) (O)
Liz Went Missing At Age 5 (O)
Llave Veraz es una de las cuatro Reliquias de Cabala (O)
lled someone “A mirror of Russian Revolution”, it is Sholokhov (X)
Llorar por Jesus es una obra de Leonardo da Vinci (X)
Lodine/Iodine deficiency in children and adolescents can lead to General Weakness (X)
Lo que a Iris no le gusta hacer es Borrar (X)
Lo que a Iris no le gusta hacer es Cocina (X)
Lo que a Iris no le gusta hacer es Coser (X)
Lo que Charlene siempre lleva consigo es Collar (X)
Lo que Charlene siempre lleva consigo es Daga (X)
Lo que Charlene siempre lleva consigo es Medalla (O)
Los accesorios de oro usan K para describir su contenido de oro, los accesorios de oro de 18K contienen 55% de oro (X)
Los Beduinos locales del Desierto de Sakala llaman Andre a Arturio (O)
Los Beduinos locales del Desierto de Sakala llaman Andre a Calendula (X)
Los Beduinos locales del Desierto de Sakala llaman Andre a Iris (X)
Los juegos Olimpicos celebrados en pekin en 2008 fueron las Olimpiadas numero 30 (X)
Los juegos olímpicos de 2020 se realizaron en 2020 (X)
Los paises miembros de la Cruz Roja Internacional son de Francia (X)
Los principales recursos utilizados por los seres humanos incluyen: Recursos espaciales (O)
Los rios Nilo, Amu e Indo son Ambos son importantes fuentes de agua del riego en las zonas costeras (O)
Los rounds de boxeo duran 6 minutos (X)
Los sirgadores del Volga una vez conmociono al mundo de las artes, el creador de esta pintura es Gerasimov (X)
Los sirgadores del Volga una vez conmociono al mundo de las artes, el creador de esta pintura es Repin (O)
loss when he was 40 (X)
Loto Bingdi son las pocas veces vistas hermanas gemelas en el Hada Floral (O)
Lotus is the Ye of a flower (X)
Lotus root is stem of a plant (O)
Lotus root is the flower of a plant (X)
Lotus root is the flower of a plant. (X)
Lotus root is the Leaf of a plant (X)
Lotus root is the root of a plant (O)
Lotus root is the root of a plant (X)
Lotus root is the stem of a plant (O)
Low carbohydrate diet can help reduce diabete (O)
Low Profit, No Credit Is A Pet Phrase Of Freya (X)
Low Profit, No Credit Is A Pet Phrase Of Pelor (X)
Low Profit, No Credit Is A Pet Phrase Of Silver Leaf (O)
Low Profit, No Credit Is A Pet Phrase Of Wandering Merchant (X)
Low salt diet can help prevent hypertension (O)
Low-salt diet may help to prevent Hypertension (O)
Lucro abaixo (O)
Lucro abaixo sem credito (X)
Lucro abaixo (X)
Luz El elemento no esta incluido en los cuatro elementos (O)
Maggie es la madre de Liz (O)
Maggie is Liz's Mother (O)
Magia esta prohibida en Sefira y su uso requiere el permiso de la Sociedad Aventura (O)
Magic Is Forbidden In Sophilia, And Use Of It Requires The Permission Of The Adventure Society (O)
Maidenhair Enjoys The Title Panda Of Plants (X)
Main resources used by humans include: Mineral Resources (O)
Main resources used by humans include: Solar Resources (O)
Main resources used by humans include: Space Resources, Mineral Resources, Solar Resources (O)
Main resources used by humans include: Space Resources (O)
Manet is an artist of impressionism (O)
Manet is an impressionist painter / artist of impressionism (O)
mango is pollinated by flies instead of bees. (O)
marigold is an earth flower fairy (O)
Marigold is referred to Andre by the local Bedouins from Sakala Desert (X)
Marigold is referred to Anthur by the local Bedouins from Sakala Desert (X)
Materials can be obtained via life skills, which dont cut down the tree. (O)
Materials can be obtained via life skills, which dont include capture (X)
Materials can be obtained via life skills which don't include cut down tree (O)
Materials can be obtained via life skills, which dont include fishing (X)
Materials can be obtained via life skills which don't include mine (X)
Materials can be obtained via life skills, which dont include mine (X)
Mathematician who has made the greatest progress on Goldbach Conjecture is Jingrun Chen (O)
Maupassant is the only writer from Russia who has reached the peak of the world of literature (X)
Mazurka berasal dari Polandia (O)
Mazurka Originated From Austria (X)
Mazurka originated from Finland (X)
Mazurka originated from Poland (O)
Mazurka originated from (the plains of Mazovia around Warsaw / Poland / the Mazurs of east-central Poland) (O)
Meksiko terletak di Amerika Selatan (X)
Melodia And Accompania Are Rarely Seen Twin (O)
Melodias de los 7 pecados capitales es conocido como el pecado del dragón (O)
Member countries of the International Red Cross are from Switzerland (O)
Memory Gaia Snow Moutain (O)
Men's Gymnastic Project does not include Horizontal Bar (X)
Mens Gymnastic Project does not include Horizontal Bar (X)
Mens Gymnastic Project does not include Uneven Bar (O)
Men's Gymnastics Project does not include Gymnastics Rings (X)
Men's Gymnastics Project does not include Horizontal Bar (X)
Men's Gymnastics Project is not included in Uneven Bars (O)
Mexico Is Located In Africa (X)
Mexico is located in North America (O)
Mexico is located in Oceania (X)
Mexico is located in South America (X)
Mexico Is obecity in the world (O)
Mexico is the country with the highest obesity rate in the world (O)
Michelangelo is one of the Big Three of Greek Philosophy (X)
miru favorite food is warrior stewed rice (X)
Miru (O)
Miru's Favorite Food Is Hot Berry (X)
Mirus Favorite Food Is Hot Berry (X)
Miru's favorite food is Light Stone (O)
Mirus favorite food is Light Stone (O)
Miru’s Favorite Food Is Light Stones (O)
Miru's Favorite Food Is Strawberry Milk (X)
Mirus Favorite Food Is Strawberry Milk (X)
Miru's favorite food is Warrior Stewed Rice (X)
Mirus favorite food is Warrior Stewed Rice (X)
Miru's level can be increased through feeding. Equipment can be used as feeding material. -NX (O)
Mirus level can be increased through feeding, new Flower Fairy formations can be unlocked. (X)
Miru's level can be increased through feeding, "When Miru reaches a certain level (O)
Mirus level can be increased through feeding, when miru reaches a certain level (O)
mitochondrion is a part of the animal cell (O)
ấm lên là vấn đề toàn cầu (O)
Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, Goddess of Rocks is a work by Leonardo da Vinci (O)
Moneda Estrella es una de las cuatro Reliquias de Cabala (O)
Most African Countries determine their borders by Longitude or latitude and other natural landscapes (O)
Most of the architecture in the Eastern Roman Empire is Byzantine style (O)
Most of the architecture in the Eastern Roman Empire is gothic architecture (X)
Most of the architecture in the Eastern Roman Empire is renaissance architecture (X)
Most of the architectures in the eastern roman empire are Byzantine architectures (O)
Mozart is called as a Musical Wunderkind (O)
Mozart is called as the Poet of the Piano (X)
Mozart is called the Musical wunderkind (O)
Mozart is called the Poet of the Piano (X)
Museum Mahjong pertama di dunia terletak di China (X)
mynah can human language (O)
Mynah can imitate human language (O)
nancias, nada de credito" es una frase propia de Mercader Errante (X)
National Fl
National Flower of German is Cornflower (O)
Natural growth rate, Birth rate, Death rate is one of the decisive factors for population reproduction (O)
Natural growth rate is one of the decisive factors for population reproduction (O)
NBA ahora tiene 28 equipos en total (X)
NBA ahora tiene 29 equipos en total (X)
NBA now has 28 teams in total (X)
NBA now has 29 football teams in total (X)
NBA now has 30 football teams in total (O)
Negara yang terhubung ke timur China adalah Rusia (O)
Newton is Jewish (X)
New York Is One Of The Main Financial Centers In The World (O)
New York, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo is one of the main financial centers in the world (O)
Nile Amu and Indus rivers are all an exoreic river (X)
Nile, Amu and Indus rivers are all an exorheic river (X)
Nile, Amu and indus rivers are all both of them are important sources of irrigation water in coast area (O)
Nile Amu, and Indus rivers are all flow through the tropical desert zone (X)
Nile, Amu, and Indus rivers are all flow through the tropical desert zone (X)
Nile Amu and Indus rivers are all important sources of irrigation water in the coast area (O)
Nile, Amu and Indus rivers are all important sources of irrigation water in the coast area (O)
Noise pollution is a global environmental problem (X)
Noise Pollution Refers To Noise Above 90 DB (X)
Noise Pollution refers to noise over 60 decibels (X)
Noise pollution refers to noise over 80 decibels (O)
Noise pollution refers to noise over 90 decibels (X)
n Olympic rings, Asia is in Red (X)
Nuclear Energy Is A Low Carbon Energy Resource (O)
Nutrient Aquatic Plants Nitrogen And Phosporus (O)
ocked the world of arts, the creator of this painting is Gerasimov (X)
Octopus and jellyfish are called as Chameleon of the Sea (X)
octopus and jellyfish are called as Chamellion of the sea (X)
Octopus and jellyfish is called the chameleon of the sea (X)
octopus are mammals (X)
Octopus belongs to the mammals (X)
of Seto Kaiba is Blue-eye White Dragon (O)
oh is for appreciation (X)
oker cards are based on ancient calendars. The Joker refers to the sun and moon. (O)
Olimpiade yang diadakan di Beijing pada tahun 2008 adalah olimpiade ke-30 (X)
Oliver Twist is a masterwork of dickens (O)
(Oliver Twist / The Old Curiosity Shop / Bleak House / Little Dorrit / Great Expectations) is masterwork of dickens (O)
Olympic rings, Asia is in Red (X)
O mar com maior (X)
onardo Da Vinci (X)
One round in professional boxing is 3 minutes (O)
One tubular sunflower can yield approximately hundreds and thousands of sunflower seeds (O)
One tubular sunflower can yield approximately hundreds and thousands of sunflower seeds (X)
One tubular sunflower can yield hundreds and thousands of sunflower seeds (O)
One tubular sunflower can yield One sunflower seed (X)
One tubular sunflower can yield only one sunflower seeds (X)
One tubular sunflower can yield only One sunflower seed (X)
Onix, Primeape is an original Pokemon (Shown in the first Season) (O)
On the centennial birthday of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1984, Athens was nominated as the capital of the IOC (X)
On the centennial birthday of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1984, Geneva was nominated as the capital of the IOC (X)
On the centennial birthday of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1984, Lausanne was nominated as the capital of IOC (O)
On the centennial birthday of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1984, Lausanne was nominated as the capital of the IOC (O)
ool, pick up Attracting Rune can't attract non actively attack monster (O)
O primeiro tiro que simboliza (X)
o put out the fire of alcohol lamp is put out with water (X)
Organ terpanjang dalam saluran pencernaan tubuh manusia adalah Usus Halus (X)
Oscuro El elemento no esta incluido en los cuatro elementos (O)
Какашки капибары квадратные (O)Super Mario was published by Capcom (X)
o The Pass In Cabala (X))
Otro nombre para Lycoris es Lycores de tubo corto (O)
ous Cake might explode if heated in the microwave (X)
Owen es el guadian del record con una racha ganadora de 30 partidos en Arena Roja (X)
Owen is the record keeper with a 30-win streak in the Red Gate Arena (X)
ower Of German Is Twin Lotus (X)
Owl can imitate human language (X)
Ozone hole is a global environmental problem (O)
Pada trading saham, harga terbit adalah untuk menganalisa data paling dasar saham di pasar (X)
Parrot can imitate human language (O)
Participating in ladder arena can get arena medal, which can't be exchanged for costume (O)
Participating in Ladder Arena can get Arena Medal, which can't be exchanged for Glyph Chest. (X)
Pastel Delicioso podria explotar si se calienta en el microondas (X)
Patung batu Buddha terbesar di dunia berada di Henan (X)
Pemain tenis terkenal, Steffi Graf pernah 3x memenangkan 4 Grand Slam (X)
People in Black are easier to get bitten by mosquitos (O)
People in white are easier to get bitten by mosquitos (X)
People in white is easier to get bitten by mosquito (X)
People wearing Black clothes are easier to get bitten by mosquitos (O)
People wearing in Black are easier to get bitten by mosquitos (O)
People wearing in white are easier to get bitten by mosquitos (X)
Perairan terbesar di daratan adalah Glacier Water (O)
Persephone is a deity in the Greek Mythology (O)
petroleum north sea (O)
pharaoh sacrifice (X)
Philiphines In Asia (O)
Philippines is in Asia (O)
Pieta is a work by Leonardo da Vinci (X)
Pinata has a shield (O)
pine needle enjoys the title of "panda of plants" (X)
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Chow Yun-Fat as Captain Sao Feng - IMDb (O)
Pirates Of The Caribbean Jay Chou, Captain Xiaofeng (X)
Plato ... Big Three Of Greek Philosophy (O)
Plato is one of the Big Three Of Greek Philosophy (O)
player can replace the weapon type of primary weapon without damage. (O)
Players can establish Archenemy relationship in Cabala (X)
Players can establish couple relationship in cabala (O)
Players can establish tutor & apprentice relationship in cabala (O)
Players can not get flower fairy EXP from expel incident (O)
players can not get sapphire from expel incident (X)
Players can not get Skill Rubbing from Expel Incident (X)
Players can obtain a variety of Fun mounts. The functions provided by mounts include Character Stats Enhancement (O)
Players can obtain a variety of fun mounts. the functions provided by mounts include dive function (X)
Players can obtain a variety of fun mounts. the functions provided by mounts include mount priviledges (O)
Players can obtain a variety of Fun mounts. The functions provided by mounts include Mount Privileges (O)
Players can obtain a variety of Fun mounts. The functions provided by mounts include Mount Privileges (X)
Players can obtain a variety of fun mounts. the functions provided by mounts include move speed increase (O)
Players can obtain Crystal from combination, Crystal combination may fail (X)
Players can obtain Crystal from combination, Crystal level increases after combination (O)
Players can obtain crystal from combination, crystal lvl increases after combination (O)
Players can obtain crystal from combination, each combination consumes 3 crystals of the same level (O)
Players can obtain flower fairy will in abyss ruins gameplay. (O)
Players can obtain flower fairy will in Elemental Realm gameplay. (X)
Players can obtain flower fairy will in time trial gameplay. (O)
Players can replace the weapon type of primary weapon without damage (O)
Players can replace the weapon type of primary weapon without damage (X)
Players can replace the weapon type of secondary weapon without damage. (X)
Play station 4 Pro is product of Microsoft (X)
"PocasFuego El elemento no esta incluido en los cuatro elementos (X)
"Pocas ganancias, nada de crédito" es una frase propia de Freya (X)
"Pocas ganancias, nada de crédito" es una frase propia de Hoja Plateada (O)
Pohon penghalang efek terbaik, harus terbentuk dari 10 pohon ke atas (O)
point of PI is 141592659 (O)
Poker cards are based on ancient calendars. The Joker refers to King and Queen. (X)
Poker cards are based on ancient calendars. The Joker refers to Queen. (X)
Poker cards are based on ancient calendars. The Joker refers to Sun and Moon. (O)
Polusi kebisingan mengacu pada kebisingan lebih dari 90 desibel (X)
Poseidon is deity in the Greek Mythology (O)
Potato is a stem of the plant (O)
Power of Flower Fairy is forbidden in Sophilia and the use of it requires the permission from the Adventure Society (X)
ppines is in Asia (O)
Pupila Sagrada es tanto la encarnación del poder como el pasaporte en Cabala (X)
rackle can imitate human language (O)
Railway Tiberian Amsterdam (X)
Rana se aletarga durante el verano (O)
Realm are the fragments left by the collapsed Fire Sword Path, and can be of use to adventurers when exploring Cabala (X)
red and black red path military world (O)
red attribute will not appear in equipment extraction (X)
Red is one of the three primary colors (O)
Red is on of the three primary colors (O)
Red is primary color (O)
Red is the vegetable with the least nutritional ingredients (X)
Red vegetable has the least nutritional ingredients (X)
red vegetable have the least nuntrional values (X)
Reino Sefira esta en el fondo del Árbol de Cabala (O)
Reino son los fragmentos dejados atras por el Sendero de la Espada de Fuego colapsado, y pueden ser utiles para los aventureros al explorar Cabala (X)
Relic Is Both The Embodiment Of Power And Also The Pass In Cabala (X)
Relic Is Both The Embodiment Of Power And Also The Passport In Cabala (X)
Reliquia es tanto la encarnacion del poder como el pasaporte en Cabala (X)
Representatif WNBA turnamen bola basket profesional wanita Amerika (O)
res que te lastimen, Sera mejor que no te acerques a mi. Digo esto para tu bien". Esto lo dice Platy (X)
Restaurant Elk Tarven (X)
Rich Labor resource is the main reason to boost Singapores economic development (X)
Rich labor resource is the main reason to boost Singapore's economic development (X)
Rodin is an artist of impressionism (X)
Rodin Is Considered An Impressionist Sculptor (O)
Rosa's Memory Was Sealed In Kaagmaw Grassland (X)
Rosa's Memory Was Sealed In Oak Town (X)
Rose is a Fire Flower Fairy (O)
Saat memasak telur rebus dalam oven microwave, gunakan tusuk gigi untuk menusuk putih telur dan kuning untuk pencegahan pecah (O)
Sagrado contrarresta Fuego es una de las relaciones opuestas de los elementos de Cabala (O)
sagrado restringe fogo ê (X)
Sakala Desert Is At The Bottom Of The Cabala Tree (X)
Sama seperti Patung Liberty, julukan Amerika Serikat lainnya adalah Old Sam (X)
Santa Claus' Village is at Finland (O)
Santa Claus' Village is at Iceland (X)
Santa Clau's Village is at Netherlands (X)
Santa Claus Village is at United States (X)
Santa Claus' Village is at United States (X)
Santa Claus Village is in Finland (O)
Santa Claus Village is int he Netherlands (X)
Saves power if the food volume in the fridge is 80% of the total capacity (O)
Saxophone is also called French Horn (X)
Schumann is called as a Musical Wunderkind (X)
scorpio is fire sign zodiac (X)
Scorpio is the fire sign of zodiacs (X)
Scorpion is the invertebrate with the slowest metabolism in the world (O)
Scream Painting Created By Miller (X)
Scutiger is a kind of insect (X)
Scutiger is a king of insect (X)
Sea cucumber will estivate (O)
Sea Horse and Octopus are called as Chameleon of the Sea (X)
Sea horse and octupus are called chameleon of the sea (X)
Sea horse will estivate (X)
Sea horse will estivate. (X)
Seal is both the embodiment of power and also the pass in Cabala (O)
Seal is both the embodiment of power and also the passport in Cabala (O)
seal is both the embodiment of power and also the pass to cabala. (O)
Seattle is one of main financial centers in the world (X)
Sea with highest salinity in the world is Red Sea (O)
Sea with lowest salinity in the world is Baltic Sea (O)
Sea with the most islands in the world is The Aegean Sea (O)
second replication of Naraku is Naruto (X)
Segun la costumbre, el anillo debe colocarse en Lleverlo en el dedo medio significa estar enamorado (O)
Segun la costumbre, el anillo debe colocarse en usarlo en el meñique significa que actualmente estas soltero (O)
Sello Sagrado es tanto la encarnación del poder como el pasaporte en Cabala (O)
Selva Crepuscular esta en el fondo del Árbol de Cabala (X)
Setelah mencampurkan emas dan tembaga di dalam proporsi tertentu, emas bisa menjadi emas merah (O)
s For 15 Days (X)
s from the sea and rivers (X)
Shanghai es uno de los principales centros financieros del mundo (O)
Shanghai Is One Of The Main Financial Centers In The World (O)
Sherry Is Liz's Mother (X)
shrek was listed in the guinness world record as the highest-grossing animated film (O)
Shrine Ruins are the fragments left by the collapsed Path of Fire Sword, and can be of use to adventurers when exploring Cabala (X)
Si el cuerpo humano pierde 10% agua, sera moral (X)
Si el cuerpo humano pierde 15% de agua, sera mortal (X)
Silver Leaf Has Been Seeking Anthurium (X)
Silver Leaf Has Been Seeking Chestnut Rose (X)
Silver Leaf Has Been Seeking Iris (X)
Silver Leaf Has Been Seeking Oleander (O)
Sinfonia No.9 fue compuesta por Beach (X)
"Si no quieres que te lastimen, Sera mejor que no te acerques a mi. Digo esto para tu bien". Esto lo dice Platy (X)
Size Of Regular Go Board In Competion 15x15 (X)
skin of polar bear is white (X)
Sliver leaf has been seeking Oleander (O)
Small business, small profit, we can barely make ends meet is a catchphrase of Freya (O)
Smoking is banned in many public places, Buthan is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the country (O)
Smoking is banned in many public places, Chile is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the country (X)
Smoking is banned in many public places, Russia is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the country (X)
Smoking is banned in many public places, Singapore is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the country (X)
Smoking is banned in may public places, Bhutan is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the country (O)
Smoking is banned in may public places, Chile is the world's only country that ban on smoking in all across the county (X)
Snail is the invertebrate with the slowest metabolism in the world (X)
snow white is one of the works of andersens fairy tales (X)
Socrates is one of the Big Three of Greek Philosophy (O)
Someone “A Mirror Of Russian Revolution”, It Is Gorky (X)
Sophila Kingdom is at the bottom of the Cabala Tree (O)
South Korea is the first to form the strategic and tactical missile forces in Asia (X)
SPF 30 time time until sunburn +30min (O)
spf is 30, used when uv under 30 (X)
Spider has 12 feet (X)
Spider has 4 feet (X)
Spider has 5 feet (X)
Spider has 6 feet. (X)
Spider has 8 feet (O)
spider is a kind of insect (X)
Sprinkle Layer Of Sand (X)
Staff Of Order Is One Of The Cabala's Four Relics (O)
Standard Football Perimeter 50-60 (O)
star level 18 (O)
star level 20 (X)
Stele are the fragments left by the collapsed Path of Fire Sword, and can be of use to Adventurers when exploring Cabala (X)
stele are the fragments left by the collapsed path of fire sword (X)
st Enemy Of The Adventure Society Is The Goblins (X)
st Plane Journey In The World Is Indian Swan(X)
stratosphere water vapor (X)
Strongest Muscle Of The Human Body Tongue (O)
Stun Can Make Target Unable To Move (O)
Sugar, acid substitutes, food coloring, flavoring essence is usually included in jellies (O)
Sugar Substitute, Acidulant, etc is usually included in jellies (O)
Sumber daya utama yang digunakan manusia antara lain, Sumber Daya Mineral (O)
Sumber daya utama yang digunakan manusia antara lain, Sumber Daya Surya (O)
Sunbathing can provide us with Vitamin A (X)
Sunbathing can provide us with Vitamin B (X)
Sunbathing can provide us with Vitamin C (X)
Sunbathing can provide us with Vitamin D (O)
Sunflower is a Fire Flower Fairy (X)
suoiresnu?t=ekHj9jvHIGhsmmkqIN79Pg&s=09 (X)
Superior geographical location is the main reason that boosts Singapore’s economic (O)
Superior geographical location is the main reason to boost Singapores economic development (O)
Super Mario Bros. is a platform game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment
Super Mario was published by Konami (X)
Super Mario was published by Nintendo (O)
Super Mario was published by SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. (X)
supersonic aircraft is one of the four most important inventions of the 20th century. (X)
Switch NS Is A Product Of Microsoft (X)
Symphony No 9 Beethoven (O)
Symphony No. 9 was composed by Bach (X)
Symphony No.9 was composed by Bach (X)
Symphony no. 9 was composed by Beethoven (O)
Symphony No.9 was composed by Mozart (X)
Symphony no. 9 was conducted by Beethoven (O)
System (NES) (O)
tands for Japan (O)
Tchaikovsky is called as a Musical Wunderkind (X)
Tchaikovsky is called the Musical wunderkind (X)
Team Up is not allowed in the Ancient Ruins gameplay. (X)
Team Up is not allowed in the Elemental Realm gameplay. (O)
tears aya amyotrophic (X)
tears aya spinoce (O)
te babus (O)
Tembakan pertama yang melambangkan kebebasan Amerika Serikat dimulai di Washington (X)
Terminal terakhir di daratan Eropa adalah Amsterdam (O)
ters consists of Skipper available in 1964 (O)
Terusan Suez milik Panama (X)
The 2020 Olympic games was held in 2020 (X)
The 2020 Olympic Games was held in 2021 (O)
The 2020 Olympic games were held in 2021 (O)
The 2020 Olympic games were held in 2022 (X)
The Adventure Manual records the player's collection progress, excluding Appearance Album (X)
The Adventure Manual records the player's collection progress, excluding Monster Album (X)
The Adventure Manual records the players collection progress, excluding Monster Album (X)
The Adventure Manual records the players collection progress, excluding Mount Album (O)
The Adventure Society has set up plenty of Green Camps at Cabala to help explore this vast monster-infested land (O)
The Adventure Society Has Set Up Plenty Of Green Camps At Oak Wood (X)
The Adventure Society has set up plenty of Green Camps at Sophila to help explore this vast monster-infested land (O)
The Adventure Society has set up plenty of Green Camps at Sophila to help explore this vast monster-infested land (X)
The adventures of of Huckleberry Finn is a masterwork of renowned US writer Mark Twain (O)
The adventures of tom sawyer is representative of the work of renowned US writer Mark Twain (O)
The adventures of Tom Sawyer is the masterwork of the American writer Mark Twain (O)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the masterwork of American writer Mark Twain (O)
The Afghan Hound is a dog from Afghanistan (O)
The Afghan Hound is also called Afghan Hound (O)
The Afghan Hound is also called Afghan (O)
The Afghan Hound is also called Bracco Italiano (X)
The Afghan Hound is also called Vizsla (X)
The animal that has square-shaped poop is Hare-walaby (X)
The animal that has square-shaped poop is Kangaroo (X)
The animal that has square-shaped poop is Thylacine (X)
The animal that has square-shaped poop is Wombats (O)
The Area 11 from ACG culture stands for Japan (O)
The battle in the first World War that used poison gas for the first time is Battle of Verdun (O)
The battle in World War I that used poison gas for the first time is Battle of Somme (X)
The battle in World War I that used poison gas for the first time is Battle of Verdun (O)
The battle in World War I where poison gas was used for the first time is called Battle of the Marne (X)
The battle in World War I where poison gas was used for the first time is called Battle of the Somme (X)
The battle in World War I where poison gas was used for the first time is called Battle of the Verdun (O)
The best way to put out a fire is by a sprinkle of sand (X)
The best way to put out the fire of alcohol lamp is put out with water (X)
The best way to put out the fire of alcohol lamp is to use the lamp cap (O)
The best way to put out the fire of spirit lantern is to sprinkle a layer of sand (X)
The biggest enemy of the Adventure Society is Dodo (X)
The Biggest Enemy Of The Adventure Society Is Goblin (X)
The biggest Enemy of the Adventure Society is Pinata (X)
The Biggest Enemy Of The Adventure Society Is The Goblins (X)
The Biggest Enemy Of The Adventure Society Is Yayoi (O)
The biggest stone Buddha Statue in the word is in Leshan/ sichuan (O)
The biggest stone Buddha Statue in the word is in Pingshan/Nepal (O)
The biggest stone Buddha Statue in the word is in Pingshan, Sichuan (X)
The biggest stone Buddha statue in the world is in Henan (X)
The biggest stone Buddha statue in the world is in Leshan, Sichuan (O)
The biggest stone Buddha statue in the world is in Leshan, Sichuan (THIS ONE) (O)
The biggest stone Buddha statue in the world is in Luoyang, Henan (X)
The biggest stone Buddha statue in the world is in Pingshan (X)
The bird that can see the color blue is the owl (O)
The bird that can see the color blue is the Parrot (X)
The bird that can see the color blue is the Pigeon (X)
the bird that can tell the blue color is mynag (X)
The bird that can tell the blue color is Owl (O)
The bird that can tell the blue color is Parrot (X)
The bird that can tell the blue color is Pigeon (X)
The birthday of Ye Xiu, the protagonist of “Glory”, is May 29th (O)
The "Black" in the novel "Red and Black" written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to "Black" is a bishop's color, it stands for the path of the father and the bishop (O)
The Black in the novel Red and Black written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to Black is a bishops color, it stands for the path of the father and the bishop (O)
The "Black" in the novel "Red and Black" written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the color of the revolutionaries' clothes (X)
The Black in the novel Red and Black written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the color of the revolutionaries' clothes (X)
The Black in the novel Red and Black written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the evil side (X)
The “Black” in the novel “Red and Black” written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the evil side (X)
The blood of a snail is Blue (O)
The Blood Of a Snail Is golden (X)
The blood of a snail is Green (X)
The blood of a snail is Red (X)
The Blood Of Snail Is blue (O)
The Blood Of Snail Is golden (X)
The blood of snail is Green (X)
The board of the International Red Cross are from France (X)
The board of the International Red Cross are from Switzerland (O)
the board of the international red cross is united kingdom (X)
The board of the red cross if located in France (X)
The bust way to put out the fire of alcohol lamp is put out with water (X)
The campaign in the first World War that used gas for the first time is Battle of Verdun (O)
The Caste System in Ancient India has divisions into 2 classes (X)
The Caste system in Ancient India has divisions into 4 classes (O)
The cat is protected in Ancient Greece. (X)
The cat is protected well in Ancient Rome (X)
The cat is protected wll in Ancient Rome (X)
The cat iss protected wll in Ancient Egypt (O)
The cat os protected wll in Ancient Egypt (O)
The cat os protected wll in Ancient Rome (X)
The Chinese Cabbage is originally from china (O)
The Chinese Folk song applied in Turandot is Jasmine (O)
The Chinese folk song applied in turnandot is butterfly lovers (X)
The Church Believed In Flower Fairy, Who Was Said To Have Saved Sophila From The Invasion Of Monsters (X)
The Church Believed In Goddess, Who Was Said To Have Saved Sophilla From The Invasion Of Monsters (O)
The church believed in Guardian, who was said to have saved Sophila from the invasion of monsters (X)
The Church Believed In Yayoi, Who Was Said To Have Saved Sophilla From The Invasion Of Monsters (X)
The classes in weight lifting are based on the weight of the athletes (O)
The classes in weight-lifting are based on the weight of the athletes (O)
The classes in weight-lifting are based on the weight of the barbells (X)
The classes of a weight lifting match are based on the age of the athletes (X)
The classes of weight lifting match are based on the weights of the athletes (O)
The class with the skill of regenerating HP is Craftsman (O)
The class with the skill of regenerating HP is Craftsman (O) (O)
The class with the skill of regenerating HP is Gladiator (X)
The class with the skill of regenerating HP is Ranger (O)
The class with the skill of regenerating HP is Scholar (O)
The computer was one of the four most important inventions in the 20th century (O)
The Constant Extension Of Life Tree Finally Caused Big Bang (X)
The Constant Extension Of Life Tree Finally Caused Big Flood (X)
The Constant Extension Of Life Tree Finally Caused Dimensional Infiltration (O)
The constant extension of the Tree of Life finally caused Big Bang (X)
The constant extension of the Tree of Life finally caused Big Flood (X)
The constant extension of the Tree of Life finally caused Dimensional Infiltration (O)
The contract between Flower Fairy and human is called Ally (X)
The contract between Flower Fairy and human is called Link (O)
The contrast color of blue is Golden (X)
The contrast color of blue is Green (X)
The contrast color of blue is Orange (O)
The contrast color of blue is Red (X)
the contrast of blue is golden (X)
The copier will produce Carbon Dioxide during the copy process (X)
The copier will produce Ozone while copy process (O)
The Copier Will Produce Sulfur Dioxide During The Copy Process (X)
The copying machine will produce Carbon Dioxide during the copy process (X)
The copying machine will produce carbon monoxide during the copy process (O)
The copying machine will produce Ozone during the copy process (O)
the copying machine will produce ozone during the copy process. (O)
The copying machine will produce sulfur Dioxide during the copy process (X)
The country that borders China to the east is Japan (X)
The country that borders China to the east is North Korea (O)
The country that borders China to the east is South Korea (X)
The country that borders China to the south is South Korea (X)
The country that held the most Olympic Summer Games is Greece (X)
The Country That Held The Most Olympic Summer Games Is UK. (X)
The country that held the most Olympic Summer Games is UK (X)
The country that held the most Olympic Summer Games is USA (O)
The country that held the most Olympic summer is The United States/USA (O)
The country that is borders China to the east is North Korea (O)
The country that is connected to the east of China is Russia (X)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Argentina (X)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Brazil (X)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is India (X)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Nauru (O)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Nauru (X)
The country that made a lot of profit with bird droppings is Peru (O)
The domain suffix .uk refers to China (X)
The domain suffix .uk refers to the United Kingdom (O)
The domain suffix .uk refers to the United States (X)
The earliest record of Halley's Comet was left by Chinese (O)
The Earliest record of Halleys Comet was left by the Chinese (O)
The Earliest record of Halley’s Comet was left by the Chinese (O)
The earliest records of Halley' Comet were left by the Americans (X)
The earliest records of Halley's Comet were left by the Americans (X)
The earth Day every year falls on 20-Dec (X)
The earth day is on the Apr. 22nd of each year (O)
The effect barrier tree wants to achieve the best effect, it must be formed from the top 10 trees (O)
The eighth wonder of the world is Eiffel Tower (X)
The eighth wonder of the world is Terra Cotta Warriors (O)
The eighth wonder of the world is The Great Wall (X)
The eight notes in music boxes are Eight Instruments (O)
The eight notes in Music boxes are eight types of instruments (O)
The eight notes in Music Boxes are Eight types of music (X)
The eight notes in Music Boxes are Eight types of tones (X)
The eight wonder of the world is Terra Cotta Warriors (O)
The Elemental Realm Point Rewards don't include Flower Fairy Progress Item (X)
The emperor's new clothes Andersen (O)
The Emperor's New Clothes is one of the works of Andersen's fairy tales (O)
The Emperors new Clothes was written by Hans Christian Andersen (O)
The euro came into existence on 1 Dec (X)
The euro came into existence on 1 January 1999 (O)
The European terminal of Eurasian Land Bridge is Amsterdam (X)
The European terminal of Eurasian Land Bridge is Rotterdam (O)
The famous expressionist painting named The Scream was created by Miller (X)
The famous expressionist painting named The Scream was created by Munch (O)
The farthest recorded flight in the world is created by Arctic Tern (O)
The Farthest recorded flight in the world is created by Baltic Gull (X)
The Farthest recorded flight in the world is created by indian swan (X)
the farthest recorded flight in the world is created by the Andes Vulture (X)
the farthest recorded flight in the world is created by the Baltic Gull (X)
The first colored newspaper appeared in france (X)
The first colored newspaper appeared in United Kingdom (X)
The first colored newspaper appeared in United States (O)
The first colorful newspaper appeared in USA (O)
The first country in Europe where the printing machine was used is Icelanders (O)
The first country in Europe where the printing machine was used is Irish (X)
The first country in Europe where the printing machine was used is Iselanders (O)
the first football world cup was held in France (X)
The first football world cup was held in Italy (X)
the first football world cup was held in urugay (X)(the one with O is wrong) (X)
The First Football World Cup was held in Uruguay (O)
The first football world cup was help in urugay (O)
The first Mahjong Museum in the world is located in China (X)
The first Mahjong Museum in the world is located in Japan (O)
The first Mahjong Museum in the world is located in Saudi Arabia (X)
The first mount given to adventurer in game is Boss Duck (X)
The first mount given to adventurer in game is Chiko (O)
The first mount given to adventurer in game is lightning fox (X)
The first mount given to adventurer is chiko (O)
The first mount given to adventurer is lightning fox (X)
The first nation in Europe where the printing machine was used is Germany, Icelanders (O)
The first nation in Europe where the printing machine was used is Germany (O)
The first nation in Europe where the printing machine was used is Icelanders (O)
The first nation in Europe where the printing machine was used is Irish (X)
The first newspaper in color appeared in USA (O)
The first newspaper in colors appeared in (an English newspaper / London) (O)
The first newspaper in colors appeared in UK (X)
The First Newspaper In Colors Appeared In USA (O)
The first pocket Monster of ash is minced pork congee with preserved eggs (X)
The first pocket monster of Ash Ketchum is Mantis shrimp (X)
The first pocket monster of Ash Ketchum is Pikachu (O)
The first pocket Monster of ash was pikachu (O)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America fired on Chicago (X)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the united States of America started on Massachusetts, Lexington (O)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America started on Washington (X)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America was fired in Chicago (X)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America was fired in Lexington (O)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America was fired on Lexington (O)
The first shot that symbols the freedom of the United States of America was fired on Washington (X)
The first use of Poison gas Bombs is used in the battle of Verdun, Lexington (O)
The Five Hardwares in life stands for Gold, Silver, Tin (O)
The “Five Hardwares” in life stands for Gold, Silver, Tin (O)
The Five Hardwares in life stands for Ti (O)
The flower always connected with the Mother's Day is Bamboo sticks (X)
The flower always connected with the Mother's Day is Carnation (O)
The flower always connected with the Mother's Day is Mexican Marigold (X)
The flower always connected with the mother's day is peach flower (X)
The flower always connected with the Mother's day is the Mexican Marigold (X)
The flower always connected with the Mother's day is the Peach Flower (X)
The flower that grows shorter than coriander (with a shorter
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Airplane (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Airplane? (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Computer, Semiconductor, Atomic Energy (nuclear power), Laser (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Computer, Semiconductor, Atomic Energy (nuclear power), Laser? (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Laser (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Nuclear Power (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Nuclear Power? (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Personal Computer/Computer (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are Personal Computer? (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are semiconductors (O)
The four most important inventions of the 20th century are semiconductors? (O)
The fridge saves power if the food volume in it is 100% of the total capacity (X)
The fridge saves power if the food volume in it is 80% of the total capacity (O)
The fridge saves power if the food volume in it is 90% of the total capacity (X)
The full name of Washington, the capital of the USA is Washington District of Columbia (O)
The full name of Washington, the capital of the USA is Washington District of Roosevelt (X)
The full name of Washington, the capital of the USA is Washington District of Truman (X)
The function of bones while doing sports is: Balance (X)
The function of bones while doing sports is: Lever (O)
The function of bones while doing sports is: Pivot (X)
The functions provided by mounts include Move Speed Increase (O)
The general international naval speed uses knot as unit. One knot is 1.852km/h (O)
The general international naval speed uses “knot” as unit, one knot stands for 1.852 km/h (O)
The general international naval speed uses “knot” as unit, one knot stands for 2.152 km/h (O)
The general international naval speed uses “knot” as unit, one knot stands for 2.152 km/h (O)
The general international naval speed uses “knot” as unit, one knot stands for 2.152 km/h (X)
The general international naval speed uses “knot” as unit, one knot stands for 3.112 km/h (X)
The god of love and beauty in Roman mythologies is Athena (X)
The god of love and beauty in Roman mythologies is Hera (X)
The god of love and beauty in Roman mythologies is (not venus) (X)
The god of love and beauty in Roman mythologies is Venus (O)
The great branch of Yellow River is Wei River (O)
The greatest branch of Yellow River is River Fen (X)
The Greatest Branch Of Yellow River Is River Wei (O)
The greatest branch of Yellow River is Wei River (O)
The guide of the Adventure Society who always talks in a proud and funny tone is Casey (X)
The guide of the Adventure Society who always talks in a proud and funny tone is Colin (X)
The guide of the Adventure Society who always talks in a proud and funny tone is Ethan (X)
The guide of the Adventure Society who always talks in a proud and funny tone is miru (O)
The guide of the Adventure society who always talks in a pround and funny tone is Colin (X)
The hair color of Chestnut Rose is Blue (X)
The hair color of Chestnut Rose is Red (O)
the hero flower fairy went missing (O)
the hero flower went missing in the fight against demons many years ago and so far nothing has been heard. (X)
The Hero Guardian Went Missing And Nothing Has Been Heard (X)
The hero Guardian went missing in the fight against demons many years ago and so far nothing has been heard (X)
The hero Theia went missing in the fight against demons many years ago and so far nothing has been heard (O)
The hero went missing in the fight against demons many years ago and so far nothing has been heard (X)
The hero Yayoi went missing in the fight against demons many years ago and so far nothing has been heard (X)
The humans common ancestors are Demisovans (X)
The humans common ancestors are Homo Erectus (X)
The humans common ancestors are Homo Sapiens (O)
The humans common ancestors are Neanderthals (X)
The humans' common ancestors are Neanderthal (X)
The Hundred Years War between England and France actually lasted 100 years (X)
The Hundred Years War between England and France actually lasted 102 years (X)
The Hundred Years War Between England and France actually lasted 102 years (X) (X)
The Hundred Years War Between England and France actually lasted 116 years (O)
The Hundred Years War between England and France actually lasted 97 years (X)
Theia Missing Nothing Has Been Heard (O)
The internet came to China in the year 1993 (X)
The internet came to China in the year of 1994 (O)
The largest body of water on land is Glacier Water (O)
The largest body of water on land is Groundwater (X)
The largest body of water on land is River Water (X)
The largest body of water on land is RiverWater (X)
The largest stone building in the world is the Colosseum Ancient Rome (X)
The largest stone building in the world is the Washington Monument (O)
The largest stone construction in the world is The Great Wall of China (O)
The largest stone construction in the world is The Roman Colosseum. -NX (X)
The largest stone construction in the world is the roman Colosseum (X)
The Last Thing Iris Like Is Cuisine (X)
The Last Thing Iris Like Is To Cuisine (X)
The Last Thing Iris Like Is To Forge Iron (O)
The Last Thing Iris Like Is To Sew (X)
The Last Thing Iris Likes to do Is Cuisine (X)
The Last Thing Iris Likes To Do Is Forge Iron (O)
The Last Thing Iris Like to do Is To Sew (X)
The last thing that iris likes to do is to clean (X)
The law first appeared in capitalist society (X)
The law first appear in feudal society (X)
The law first appear in slave society (O)
The length of the entire marathon is 40km (O)
The length of the entire marathon is 40km (X)
The Little Match Girl is one of the works of Andersen's fairy tales (O)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is Star Trek series (X)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is Star Wars series (X)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is the 85 hour Huang Fei-Hong (O)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is "the 85 hour The Cure for Insomnia (USA 1987)" series (X)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is the 85 hour The Cure for Insomnia (USA 1987) series (X)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is the 85 hour The Wong Hai Fung series (X)
The longest film series according to the Guinness book of world records is Wong Fei-hung series (O)
The longest organ in gastrointestinal tract is small intestine (O)
The longest organ in the gastrointestinal tract of human body is Large Intestine (X)
The longest organ in the gastrointestinal tract of human body is Small Intestine (O)
The longest organ in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body is Large intestine (X)
The longest organ in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body is Rectum (X)
The longest plane journey in the world is Andes Vulture (X)
The longest plane journey in the world is Artic Tern (X)
The Longest Plane Journey In The World Is Indian Swan (X)
The longest plan journey in the world is Arctic Tern (O)
The longest series movie in Guinness World Records is Wong Fei Hong Series (O)
The main cosmic resources used by humans include: Biological Resources (X)
The main cosmic resources used by humans include: Mineral Resources (O)
The main cosmic resources used by humans include: Solar Resources (O)
The main cosmic resources used by humans include: Space Resources (O)
The main reason that boost Singapore’s economic development is Good Natural Condition (X)
The main reason that boosts Singapore’s economic development is Rich Labor resource (X)
The main reason that boosts singapore’s economic development is Superior geographical location (O)
The main source boosting Singapore’s economic development is Superior geographical location (O)
The member in charge of logistics in the adventure society is charlene (X)
the member in charge of logistics in the adventure society is colin (X)
The member in charge of logistics in the Adventure Society is Owen (X)
The Member In Charge Of Logistics In The Adventure Society Is Vallon (O)
The most commonly produced and widely used battery in the world is Rechargeable battery (X)
The most commonly produced and widely used battery in the world is Wet cell (X)
The most commonly produced and widely used battery in the world is Wet cell. (X)
The most commonly produced and widely used battery in the world is Zinc-carbon battery (O)
The most important IT center in the world, Silicon Valley is located in Florida of the USA (X)
The most important IT center in the world, the Silicon Valley is located in California of USA (O)
The name “Manjusaka,” which means "cow flower" (O)
the name of the wandering merchant is aaron (O)
The name of the wandering merchant is Allen (X)
The name of the Wandering Merchant is Harlan (X)
The name of the Wandering Merchant is Oren (X)
The name of the Wandering Merchant name is Aaron (O)
The name of this game is Shima Shima Tora no Shimajiro (X)
The name of this game is The Legend of Neverland (O)
The national flower of German is anthurium (X)
The national flower of German is Chestnut Rose (X)
The national flower of German is Cornflower (O)
The national treasure of Australia is Giant Panda (X)
The national treasure of Australia is kangaroo (O)
The national treasure of Australia is Koala (X)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Antidote (O)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Antidote" (O)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Antidote (X)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Mixed Fried Rice (X)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Poison Sack (X)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Poison Sac (X)
The necessity for a man going into the Fog Swamp is Romantic Poem (X)
The nest of Goblin can be destroyed by Magic Apatite Powder (X)
The nest of Goblin can be destroyed by Specially made Alchemy Bomb (O)
The nest of Goblin can be destroyed by Specially made Special Apatite Powder(X)
The nest of Goblin can be destroyed by Specially made Starry Powder (X)
the nest of goblin can be destroyed by the holy pupil (X)
The nine digits after the decimal point of PI is 141592651 (X)
The nine digits after the decimal point of PI is 141592653 (O)
The nine digits after the decimal point of PI is 141592654 (X)
The nine digits after the decimal point of PI is 141592657 (X)
The nine digits after the decimal point of PI is 141592659 (X)
Then name of the wandering merchang is oren (X)
The North Star often used to for directions belongs to the category of Ursa Minor (O)
The North Star (Polaris) belongs to Dipper (O)
The North Star (Polaris) often used to for directions belongs to the category of Ursa Minor (O)
The north star that often used to for directions belongs to the category of Ursa Minor (O)
The North Star that used for directions belongs to the category of Centaur (X)
The North Star that used for directions belongs to the category of Orion (X)
The North Star that used for directions belongs to the category of Ursa Minor (O)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Blunderbuss Is An Odd Number (O)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Cannon Is An Odd Number (O)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Cannon Is An Odd Number (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Katana Is An Odd Number (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Longbow Is An Odd Number (O)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Longbow Is An Odd Number real (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Longbow Is An Odd Number real (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Longbow Is An Odd Number real (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Longbow Is An Odd Number (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Magic Book Is An Odd Number (O)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Magic Book Is An Odd Number (real) (X)
The Number Of Remaining Contestants Using Magic Book Is An Odd Number (X)
The number of “World player Soccer” Pele shirt is no 23 (X)
the number on the jersey of the greatest Pele is 10 (O)
The Number On The Jersey Of The “the Greatest” Pele Is No. 10 (O)
The Number On The Jersey Of The “the Greatest” Pele Is No. 12 (X)
the nutrient content aquatic plants needs the most is nitrogen and phosphorus (O)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants needs the most is Glucose (X)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants needs the most is Nitrogen and Phosporus (O)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants needs the most is Oil (X)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants need the most is Heavy Metal (X)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants need the most is Heavy Oil (X)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants need the most is Nitrogen and Phosphorus (O)
The nutrient content that aquatic plants need the most is Oil (X)
The Old Curiosity Shop is a masterwork of dickens (O)
The oldest diamond in the World is the Keunor Diamond (O)
The oldest diamond in the world is the Orlov diamond (X)
The oldest diamond in the world is the Vulcan diamond (X)
The Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008 was the 25th Olympic (X)
The Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008 was the 29th Olympic (O)
The Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008 was the 30th Olympic (X)
The one that can copy other's ninjutsu in Naruto is KaKadong (X)
The one that can copy other's ninjutsu in Naruto is Kakashi (O)
The one that can copy other's ninjutsu in Naruto is Snorlax (X)
The only restaurant in Sophila is Reindeer Tavern (O)
The only restaurant in Sophilia is Alpaca Tavern (X)
The only restaurant in Sophilia is Alpaca TaverThe Only Restaurant In Sophilia Is Sophilia Tavern (X)
The only restaurant in Sophilia is Elaphurus Davidianus Tavern (X)
The Only Restaurant In Sophilia Is Sophilia Tavern (X)
The Only Restaurant Is Sophilia Is Redhorn Tavern (O)
The Only Restaurant Is Sophilia Is Reindeer Tavern (O)
The Owner Of Redbig Manor Is Freya (O)
The owner of Redbud Manor is Aaron (X)
The owner of Redbud Manor is Annie (X)
The owner of Redbud Manor is ARON (X)
The Owner Of Redbud Manor Is Casey (X)
The Owner Of Redbud Manor Is Freya (O)
the ozone is rich in water vapor (X)
The pact relation between flower fairy and human is called ally (X)
the pact relation between flower fairy and human is called link (O)
The pact relation between Flower Fairy and human is called Syngenesis (X)
The peninsula with most oil is Arabian Peninsula (O)
The peninsula with most oil is Asia Minor Peninsula (X)
The peninsula with most oil is Italian Peninsula (X)
The perimeter of a standard football is around 50-60 cm (O)
The perimeter of a standard football is around 60-70 cm (X)
The perimeter of a standard football is around 60-70cm (X)
The perimeter of a standard football is around 70-80cm (X)
the perimeter of a Standard Football Perimeter 50-60 (O)
The Persian Gulf Coast is one of the most important oil-producing areas in the world (O)
The Persian Gulf coastline is one of the main oil producers worldwide (O)
the pet phrase of charlene is light as a feather, strike as a tiger (X)
The pet phrase of Charlene is Sword wielding like dragon swings, striking enemies in all directions (X)
the pet phrase of charlene is upright and unyielding just like my sword (O)
the pet phrase of charlene is upright and unyielding, just like my sword (O)
the philippines is in africa (X)"volga river tracker" once shocked the world because of its beauty, the painter is llya repin (O)
The Philippines is in Asia (O)
The Philippines is in Oceania (X)
The photocopier/copier will produce carbon dioxide while photocopying (X)
The poker cards are made based on ancient calendar. The Joker refers to Sun/Moon, Day/Night (O)
The Potato Is Root Of A Plant. (X)
The potato is the fruit of a plant. (X)
The Potato Is the Root Of A Plant. (X)
The Potato Stem Is A Plant (O)
The quality of equipments can b improved by cultivation system? Answer: No (O)
The quality of equipments can b improved by cultivation system? Answer: Yes (X)
There are 31 days in August because of Roman Emperor Augustus (O)
The reason that Chestnut Rose's memory got sealed is to be stronger (X)
The reason that Chestnut Roses memory got sealed is to be stronger (X)
The reason that Chestnut Rose's memory got sealed is to suppress the strength of ‘Chi' (O)
The reason that Chestnut Roses memory got sealed is to suppress the strength of Chi (O)
The reason that Chestnut Rose's memory got sealed is to suppress the strength of ‘Qi' (O)
The reason that Chestnut Roses memory got sealed is to suppress the strength of Qi (O)
The reason that Chestnut Rose's memory got sealed is Wanted to forget those who caused her pain (X)
The reason that Chestnut Roses memory got sealed is Wanted to forget those who caused her pain (X)
The reason that Egyptians would keep the viscera of Phara
The reason that Egyptians would keep the viscera of Pharaoh is for study (X)
The reason that Egyptians would keep the viscera of Pharaoh is to come back to life (O)
The Reason That Rosa's Memory Got Sealed Is To Suppress The Strengths Of Chi (O)
The reason why august has 31 days is related to earth rotation (X)
The reason why august has 31 days is related to Roman Emperors. (O)
The reason why August has 31 days is related to Sunrise and Sunset (X)
The reason why august has 31 days is related to sunrise sunset (X)
The reason why August has 31 days is related to the earth's rotation (X)
The reason why the traffic lights are set to have red and green colors comes from the cloth color of married and unmarried women (O)
The reason why the traffic lights are set to have red and green colors comes from the color of the hat worn by workers in rest (X)
The reason why the traffic lights are set to have red and green colors comes from the color that shows the meal is done (X)
The "Red" In The Novel "Red And Black" Written By The French Novelist Refers To "The Color Of General's Uniform. (O)
The Red In The Novel Red And Black Written By The French Novelist Refers To The Color Of General's Uniform. (O)
The Red in the novel “Red and Black” written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the color of the revolutionary flag (X)
The “Red” in the novel “Red and Black” written by the French novelist Stendhal refers to the color of the revolutionary flag (X)
The ring put on middle finger, means being in love (O)
The ring should be put on/wearing it on pinky finger/style for Currently single (O)
the same as drinking while standing (O)
The scientist called “The father of Physics” is Euclid (X)
The scientist called “The father of Physics” is Newton (X)
The scientist known as “The father of Physics” in the west is Archimedes (O)
The sea with the highest salinity in the world is Aegean Sea (X)
The sea with the highest salinity in the world is Baltic Sea (X)
The Sea With The Highest Salinity In The World Is Red Sea (O)
The sea with the lowest salinity in the world is Aegean Sea (X)
The sea with the lowest salinity in the world is Baltic Sea (O)
The sea with the lowest salinity in the world is Red Sea (X)
The sea with the most islands in the world is Aegean Sea (O)
The sea with the most islands in the world is Baltic Sea (X)
The sea with the most islands in the world is Sea Of Marmara (X)
The size of the regular go board used in competitions is 15x15 (X)
The size of the regular go board used in competitions is 19×19 (O)
The size of the regular go board used in competitions is 19x19 (O)
The size of the regular go board used in competitions is 21x21 (X)
The size of the regular go chessboard used in competitions is 19×19 (O)
The skill that can regenerate HP is Blood Restraint (O)
The skill that can regenerate HP is Pious Light (O)
The skill that can regenerate HP is purification of light (X)
The skill that can regenerate HP is Star Blessing (X)
The Skill That Regenerates HP Is Blood Restraint (O)
The Skill That Regenerates HP Nether Fire (O)
The Skill That Regenerates HP Nether Fire (X)
The skin of a zebra is Black (O)
The skin of a Zebra is brown (X)
The skin of a zebra is colorful (X)
The skin of a Zebra is white (X)
The skin of polar bear is black (O)
the skin of polar bear is brown (X)
The skin of polar bear is white (X)
The smallest country in the world is Principality of Sealand (X)
The Smallest Country In The World Is Vatican (O)
The smallest sea in the world is Aegean Sea (X)
The smallest sea in the world is Baltic Sea (X)
The smallest sea in the world is Marmara (O)
The smallest sea in the world is Sea Of Marmara (O)
The so called idea of the Invisible Hand in the field of economics was originally mentioned by Adam smith (O)
The so called idea of the Invisible Hand in the field of economics was originally mentioned by David Ricardo (X)
The so-called idea of the "Invisible Hand" in the field of economics was originally mentioned by David Ricardo (X)
The so called "Last Bard of Middle Ages" by apgus is Beaucachu (X)
The so-called "Last Bard of Middle Ages" by apgus is Beaucachu (X)
The so-called theory of “Invisible Hand” in the field of economics was originally presented by Adam Smith (O)
The so-called theory of “Invisible Hand” in the field of economics was originally presented by Marx (X)
The Society of Adventure has set up plenty of Green Camps at Cabala to help explore this vast monster infested land (O)
The soviet union collapsed after gorbachev signed resignation agreement (O)
The soviet union collapsed after khrushchiv signed resignation agreement (X)
The special grade cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen is Rikan Onimoto (X)?
The special grade cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen is Rikar Onimoto (X)?
The special-grade cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen is Rikar Onimoto (X)
The special-grade curse spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen is Rikan Orimaoto (X)
The Special grade Jujutsu Kaisen , Rika Orimoto (O)
The Special-grade Jujutsu Kaisen , Rika Orimoto (O)
The stomach of camels is mainly divided into 2 parts (X)
The stomach of camels is mainly divided into 3 parts (O)
The stomach of camels is mainly divided into 4 parts (X)
the stratophere is rich in water vapor (X)
The Strongest Muscle In Human Body Is Finger (X)
the Suez Canal belongs to Egypt (O)
the suez canal belongs to israel (X)
The Suez Canal belongs to Panama (X)
The Symphony No. 9 was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven (O)
The Symphony No. 9 was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven (X)
The Symphony No. 9 was composed by Mozart (X)
The Tale of Two Cities is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
The terminal station in Europe of Eurasian Continental bridge is in Rotterdam (O)
the thermosphere is rich in water vapor (X)
the thing iris does not like to do is forging iron (O)
The thing Iris does not like to do is sewing (X)
The Thing That Charlene Always Carries Is A Dagger (X)
The Thing That Charlene Always Carries Is A Medal (O)
The Thing That Charlene Always Carries Is A Necklace (X)
The Thing That Charlene Always Carries Is A Neclace (X)
The thing that Iris does not like to do is cleaning (X)
The thing that Iris does not like to do is cooking (X)
The thing that Iris does not like to do is forging iron (O)
The thing that Iris does not like to do is sewing (X)
The Toxic... Abuse Of Alchemy (X)
The Toxic Fog Came From Yayoi (X)
The Toxic Gas Came From Fairy Oleander Poison (O)
The toxic gas in Fog Swamp came from abuse of academy (X)
The Toxic Gas in Fog Swamp came From Fairy Oleander Poison (O)
The Toxic Gas In Fog Swamp Came From Flower Fairy Oleander’s Toxin (O)
The Toxic gas in Fog Swamp came from Silver Leaf Pot (X)
the toxic gas in fog swamp came from the scheme of yayoi (X)
The Toxic... Silver Leaf Pot (X)
The troposphere is rich in water vapor (O)
The troposphere of the atmosphere is rich in water vapor (O)
The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Parh Of Fire Sword (O)
The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Parh Of Fire Sword (o) (O)
The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Parh Of Fire Sword (X)
The tunnel that connects with Cabala is called Path of Cremation (O)
The tunnel that connects with Cabala is called Path of Cremation (X)
The tunnel that connects with Cabala is called Path of Crematio (X)
The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Path Of Fire Dragon (X)
The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Path Of Fire Sword (O)
The turning point of World War II was the opening of the second battlefield in Europe (X)
The turning point of WWII is the Battle of Stalingrad (O)
The turning point of WWII was Attack on Pearl Harbor (X)
The turning point of WWII was the attack on pearl harbor (X)
The type of Redwood that is Mahogany will sink underwater (O)
The Ugly Duckling is one of the works of Andersen's fairy tales (O)
The Ugly Duckling is one of the works of Andersen’s fairy tales (O)
The United Kingdom discovers Iron at the North Sea, which solved the problem of the backward industrial zones (X)
The United Kingdom discovers Petroleum at the North Sea, which solved the problem of the backward industrial zones (O)
The United Kingdom discovers Seabed Volcano at the North Sea, which solved the problem of the backward industrial zones (X)
The United Kingdom discovers Seabed Volcano/natural gas at the North Sea, which solved the problem of the backward industrial zones (X)
The vegetable that Crayon Shin-chan hates the most is Broccoli (X)
The vegetable that Crayon Shin-chan hates the most is Carrot (X)
The vegetable that Crayon Shin-chan hates the most is Corn (X)
the vegetable that crayon shin chan hates the most is green pepper (O)
the vegetable that cray shin chan hates the most is green pepper (O)
The Word Ballet is introduced from France (O)
The word, Ballet, is introduced from France (O)
The word Ballet is introduced from Germany (X)
The word, Ballet, is introduced from Italy (X)
The works of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama are mostly famous for asymmetry (X)
The Works Of Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama is mostly made of dots (O)
The Works Of Japanese Artist Yayoi Kusama Only Uses Black And White (X)
The world’s largest and most widely used battery is Zinc-manganese battery (O)
The world’s oldest diamonds is Keunor (O)
The World’s Oldest Diamonds Is Orlov Diamond (X)
This cat is proteced well in ancient Greece (X)
This Cat Is Protected Well In Ancient Egpyt (O)
This Cat Is Protected Well In Ancient Rome (X)
Time Box Is One Of Cabala's Four Relics (O)
Time Box is one of the Cabala's Four Relics (O)
Tinggal lomba angkat beban sesuai distribusi barbel (X)
Toe has the strongest muscle of human body (X)
Tokyo is one of main financial centers in the world (O)
Tomar sol nos puede brindar Vitamina C (X)
ton, the capital of the USA is Washington District of Columbia (O)
Tortuga es el invertebrado con el metabolismo mas lento del mundo (X)
Totem System related materials can be obtained in the Fire Dragon Laire gameplay (X)
Totem System related materials can be obtained in the Fire Dragon Lair Gameplay (X)
toxic gas from fog swamp came from silver leaf's plot (X)
Toy Story estuvo en la lista de los Records Mundiales de Guiness como la pelicula animada de mayor recaudacion (X)
Toy story was listed ...highest grossing animation fiom (X)
Toy Story was listed in the Guinness World Record as the highest-grossing animated film (X)
Trombone is also called as the French Horn (X)
Truth Key is one of the Cabala's Four Relics (O)
Turkey is the country with the highest obesity rate in the world (X)
Turtle has no belly button (O)
Turtle has no belly button (X)
Turtle is the invertebrate with the slowest metabolism in the world (X)
Twilight Rainforest is at the bottom of the Cabala Tree (X)
Twilight Rainforest Is At The Bottom (X)
Twin Lotus are the rarely seen twin sisters in the Flower Fairy (O)
twin lotus are the rarely seen twin sisters (O)
Two Cities is the masterwork of Dickens (O)
Ugly Duckling, Emperor’s New Dress, Little Match Girl, Little Mermaid is one of the works of Andersen’s Fairy Tales (O)
Una Maraton Completa tiene una longitud de alrededor de 30 KM (X)
Uneven Bar is not included in the Men's Gymnastics Project (O)
Uneven Bars is not included in the Men's Gymnastics Project (O)
Un girasol tubular puede producir aproximadamente Uno semillas (O)
United States is the country with highest obesity (X)
Unlock the fate card system to inlay fate cards to obtain attribute enhancement of which fate cards can be enhanced using enhance dust (X)
Unlock the fate card system to inlay fate cards to obtain attribute enhancement of which fate cards have the maximum enhancement level of +12 (O)
Unlock the fate card system to inlay fate cards to obtain attribute enhancement of which fate cards will not be affected when changing equipment (O)
Untuk memaksimalkan efeknya, penahan angin harus dibentuk dengan lebih dari 10 baris pohon (O)
Use Holy Pupil To Destroy The Nest Of Goblin (X)
Use Magic Apetite Powder To Destroy The Nest Of Goblin (X)
Use Magic Appetite Powder To Destroy The Nest Of Goblin (X)
Use Specially Made Alchemy Bombs To Destroy A Nest Of Goblins (O)
Use Specially made Alchemy Bomb to destroy the nest of Goblin (O)
Use Starry Powder To Destroy The Nest Of Goblins (X)
Use summon seed to carry out flower fairy link and summon seed can be obtained in fairy fairy exp pool (X)
Use Summon Seed to carry out Flower Fairy Link, and Summon Seed can be obtained in Path of Fire Sword (O)
Usually PH Value is used to suggest the acidity of liquor, the neutral PH Value is 10 (X)
Usually PH Value is used to suggest the acidity of liquor, the neutral PH Value is 4 (X)
Usually PH Value is used to suggest the acidity of liquor, the neutral PH Value is 7 (O)
Usually PH Value is used to suggest the acidity of liquor, the neutral PH Value is 9 (X)
Usually PH Value is used to suggest the acidity of liquor, the neutral PH Value is (O)
Utiliza Bomba de alquimia Hecha especialmente para destruir al nido de Duendes mas cercano (O)
Utiliza Fosforo Mágico para destruir al nido de Duendes mas cercano (X)
Utiliza Polvo de Estrella para destruir al nido de Duendes mas cercano (X)
Vallane is the staff responsible for the logistics of the Cabala Adventure Society (X)
Vallane is the staff responsible for the logistics (X)
Vallene is the support staff of Cabala? (X)
Vallin es el personal de apoyo de la sociedad de Aventura de Cabala (X)
Vallin is the staff responsible for the logistics of the Cabala Adventure Society (X)
Vallon es el personal de apoyo de la sociedad de Aventura de Cabala (X)
vallon is the record keeper with a 30 win streak in the red gate arena (X)
Vallon is the staff responsible for the logistics of the Cabala Adventure Society (O)
Vallon Is The Support Staff Of The Cabala Adventure Role Society (X)
Vallon is the Support staff of the Cabala Society of Adventure (O)
Vallon Is The Support Staff Of The Caballa Coin Role Society (O)
Viento Contrarresta Agua es una de las relaciones opuestas de los elementos de Cabala (O)
Viola is a Wind Flower Fairy (X)
Virgin of Rocks is a work by Leonardo da Vinci (O)
Virgin of the Rocks is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci (O)
Virgin of the Rocks is a work by Leonardo da Vinci (O)
Virgo is the fire sign of zodiacs (X)
Vitamin A is one of the nutrients contained in green vegetable (O)
Vitamin A is one of the nutrients contained in green vegetables (O)
Vitamin A, Vitamin B is one of the nutrition contained in vegetables (O)
Vitamin B is one of the nutrition contained in vegetables (O)
Volga river tracker once shocked the world because of its beauty, the painter is llya repin (O)
volleyball match each team has 2 time chance(s) to request (O)
Wagner is called a Musical Wunderkind (X)
Wagner is called as a Musical Wunderkind (X)
Waldhorn is also called the French Horn (O)
Waldhorn también se llama Cuerno Frances (O)
water counters earth is one of the countering relations of cabala elements (X)"WHO" stand for Greenpeace (X)
Water Element is not included in the Four Elements (X)
Water energy Is A Low Carbon Energy Resource (O)
Weapons can be obtained in the Abyss Ruins Gameplay (X)
Weapons can be obtained in theElemental Realm gameplay (X)
Weapons can be obtained in the Equipment Ruins Gameplay (O)
Weapons can be obtained in the Giant Boss gameplay (O)
Wearing black clothes is easier for mosquitoes to bite / Wearing black clothes are easier to get bitten by mosquitoes (O)
Weightlifting Is Based On Athlete's Weight (O)
Wei Zhuang, East Emperor Tai Yi is the character of the legend of Qin series (O)
Whale belongs to the mammals. (O)
What Is rhe babus (O)
What Is The Necessity For A Man Going Into The Fog Swamp Antidote (O)
When A Flower Fairy Violates The Law Then Get Ill (X)
When a Flower Fairy violates the 'Law', then Infected with \'Chi\ (O)
When a Flower Fairy violates the Law, then Infected with Chi (O)
When a Flower Fairy violates the "Law", then it will go crazy (X)
When a Flower Fairy violates the Law, then it will go crazy (X)
When a Flower Fairy violates the "Law", then it will wither (X)
When a Flower Fairy violates the Law, then it will wither (X)
When a person is drinkin
When a person is drinking water while doing a handstand, its nothing spechial than drinking water while standing (O)
When a person is drinking water while doing a handstand, the person is unable to drink water (X)
When a person is drinking water while doing a handstand, water will be the same as drinking while standing (O)
When a person is drinking water while doing a handstand, water will come out from the nose (X)
when a person is drinking water while doing a handstand, water will come out there nose. (X)
When cooking poached eggs in a microwave oven, the reason to puncture the egg whites and egg yolks with toothpick is mainly for heating evenly (X)
When cooking poached eggs in a microwave oven, use a toothpick to puncture the egg whites and egg yolks mainly for cooking faster (X)
When cooking poached eggs in a microwave oven, use a toothpick to puncture the egg whites and egg yolks mainly for Faster to cook (X)
When cooking poached eggs in a microwave oven, use a toothpick to puncture the egg whites and egg yolks mainly for heating evenly (X)
When cooking poached eggs in a microwave oven, use a toothpick to puncture the egg whites and egg yolks mainly for Prevention of Burst (O)
When Fighting In Cabala Crit Damage 1.5 Damage (O)
When Fighting In Cabala, Crit Damage 1.5 Damage (O)
When fighting in Cabala Fixed value damage is made when dealing pierce damage (X)
When Fighting In Cabala Imprison Can Make The Target Unable To Move (O)
When fighting in Cabala, Imprison can make the target unable to move (O)
When Fighting In Cabala Increase 1.5 Damage With Crush (O)
When fighting in Cabala increase ATK attribute by 1.5 times when dealing crush damage (O)
When fighting in Cabala Increase the final damage by 1.5 times when dealing Crit damage (O)
When fighting in Cabala, Increase the final damage by 1.5 times when dealing Crit damage (O)
When fighting in Cabala reduce the damage taken by 50% when dodge triggered (X)
When Fighting In Cabala Silence Can Make The Target Unable To Move (X)
When Fighting In Cabala, Silence Can Make The Target Unable To Move (X)
when fighting in cabala stun can make the target unable to move (O)
When Fighting In Cabala Weak Can Make The Target Unable To Move (X)
When Fighting In Cabala, Weak Can Make The Target Unable To Move (X)
When person is drinking water while doing handstand, it's same effect just like talking while drinking and sleep (O)
When the character level is less than or equal to 120, the player can reset the flower fairy level without damage. (X)
When the Character level is less than or equal to lv.180, you can restore the flower fairy level for free and get back the Progress Material and Flower Feiry EXP without damage. (X)
When the Character level is less than or equal to lv.90, you can restore the flower fairy level for free and get back the Progress Material and Flower Feiry EXP without damage. (O)
When using a microwave to steam eggs, you have to pierce the egg whites with a toothpick, the use of egg yolks is anti-explosion (O)
While cooking adding salt after adding water can reduce the loss of iodine (X)
While cooking, adding salt *after adding water* can reduce the loss of iodine (X)
While cooking adding salt before adding water can reduce the loss of iodine (O)???
While cooking, adding salt *before adding water* can reduce the loss of iodine (X)
While cooking, adding salt to *before taking the dish out* can reduce the loss of iodine (O)
White is the vegetable with the least nutritional ingredients (O)
White vegetable has the least nutritional ingrediens (O)
white vegetable has the least nutritional ingredients (O)
Whole raw egg might explode if heated in the microwave (O)
"WHO" stand for World Trade Organization (X)
WHO stand for World Trade Organization (X)
"WHO" stands for world health organization (O)
WHO stands for World Health Organization (O)
Wind counters water is one of the countering relations of Cabala elements (O)
...wind direction southeast monsoon (X)
Wind, solar, water, nuclear power is low carbon energy resource (O)
WNBA is WNBA/Women’s National Basketball Association (O)
WNBA is Women’s National Basketball Association (O)
WNBA means WNBA (O)
WNBA significa NBA (X)
WNBA stands for National College Athletic Association (X)
Иззая - та, чту непристанно ищет Эритьер (X)
XBOX ONE is a Microsoft Product (O)
XBOX ONE is a product of Microsoft (O)
xing gold and copper according to a specific proportion, gold can change into Red gold (O)
Yang disebut teori “Tangan Tidak Terlihat” di bidang ekonomi pada awalnya dikemukakan oleh Marx (X)
Yang lenin sebut sebagai “Russian Revolution Mirror” adalah Leo Tolstoy (O)
yellow is one of the primary colors (O)
Yellow is on of the three primary colors (X)
You can gain activity by participating in some gameplays every day, among which Enhance Dust is one of the activity rewards. (X)
You can gain activity by participating in some gameplays every day, among which Light Stones is one of the activity rewards. (O)
You can gain activity by participating in some gameplays every day, among which Summon Seed is one of the activity rewards. (O)
you can get crystal when you clear the path of fire sword gameplay. -NX (X)
you can get crystal when you clear the path of fire sword gameplay (X)
You can get Flower Fairy EXP when you clear the Path of Fire Sword gameplay (O)
You can get Flower Fairy Progress Item when you clear the Path of Fire Sword gameplay (O)
You can get more colorful looks through the Dye system and it will improve character attributes (X)
You can get more colorful looks through the Dye system mount dyeing and costume dyeing require different types of dye (O)
You can get summon seed when you clear the Path of Fire Sword gameplay (O)
You can only participate in the dance frenzy gameplay after joining a guild. (X)
You can only participate in the Gloomy Realm gameplay after joining a Guild (O)
You can only participate in the Guild Boss gameplay after joining a Guild (O)
y (X)Guide Of Adventure Society that talks in a proud and funny voice Is Miru (O)
Zinc Is Also Called Intelligent Element (2024) (O)
Zinc Is Also Called Intelligent Element (X)
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Of the many mobile MMORPG games currently available, not many have their own characteristics and make these games more popular than the others. One mobile MMORPG game that has managed to do this is The Legend of Neverland with several interesting events that are unique and different from the others. This one game is still relatively new and can't be called long-lived, but the developers have succeeded in proving that they can be creative and appear more different than MMORPG games in general. One of the interesting events that we mean here is a mini quiz that you can only access during certain times.
The name of the event is Mini Quiz, or often also known as Scenic Quiz and Mabinogi Quiz, a unique event where you as players will try to answer a question about common knowledge in this world. In this quiz your only task is to answer a question true or wrong, for example, “The World's Largest Stone Buddha is in Henan?” then you just need to answer it right or wrong. To answer it, you will be given two platforms for your character avatar, later those who answer incorrectly will fall as a sign that they are wrong.
Completing this mission can give you a currency that can be used to do a costume gacha, with tasks that only answer, you can get a chance to get a good costume. You can't access this Mini Quiz forever, this_event will only be open for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, every day you can access it from 9 am to 11 pm, so don't miss it. Every day, you will be given 10 correct questions, if you have managed to answer ten questions correctly then your quota for the day has run out, and you have to do it the next day.
There will be lots of general knowledge questions thrown at you, and here are the key answers to the quiz. You also need to know that (O) means true and (X) is wrong.
The Legend Of Neverland Quiz Data Changelog
- change quiz The tunnel that connects with Cabala is called Path of Cremation to (X)
- change quiz The Tunnel That Connects With Cabala Is Called Parh Of Fire Sword to (O)
- Fix miss-configured backend url
- Fix Quota Excedeed of Server
- Prepend new question and answer of quiz
- single backend (no more separate servers causing duplicate quiz questions and answers)
- change While cooking, adding salt to before taking the dish out can reduce the loss of iodine from (O) to (X)
- Fix wrong question answer
- Add more servers to handle backend
- Remove (O) (X) inline from quiz text
- fixed 404 response of quiz answer data
- skip process when input is emptied
- Integrate search
- Fix conflict questions and answers
Those are all the answer keys to various questions that the system will throw at you through this event mini quiz. As we have explained, this question is taken from general knowledge, be it history, economics, geography and many others. You will get not only in-game prizes, but additional knowledge like this you can also find out. Hopefully all of these answer keys can help you answer some questions that you might not know the answers to.
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Gallery - Quiz The Legend Of Neverland